0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2003 9:43 PM by cells100

    Deployment Problem


      We have just migrate an application from 2.4 to 3.0. When we deploy it in 3.0 we got this warnings in a class.

      18:43:46,370 INFO [EJBDeployer]
      Bean : TheSystem
      Method : public abstract System create() throws RemoteException, CreateException
      Section: 6.8
      Warning: The create method of a stateless session bean home interface must return the session bean's remote interface.

      18:43:46,380 INFO [EJBDeployer]
      Bean : TheSystem
      Method : public abstract System create() throws RemoteException, CreateException
      Section: 6.10.6
      Warning: The return type for a create(...) method must be the session bean's remote interface type.

      What did we do wrong?
      Please help...