3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 4, 2007 3:07 PM by sergeyhalipov

    poll with rerender problem


      I have several tabs on a jsf/facelets page that I want to use the a4j:poll function to refresh the contents of the tab when data is updated in the application. The problem I am having is that the contents of the tabs are not being rendered until the first interval is reached. My problem started when I tied the enabled flag on the a4j:poll to a boolean variable on my action class. If I hard code enabled="true" the contents of the tab are rendered when the page loads. The problem is that I want to use a variable so I can toggle the enabled flag. Am I correct in trying to use the enabled flag to toggle the a4j:poll from rerendering? What is the difference between hard coding enabled="true" and setting it to a boolean variable with a value of true? (I also tried changing the boolean variable to a String with a value of "true" and no luck)

      Thanks in advance.

      <f:view id="projectSummary">
      <div id="tabView1">
       <div class="aTab">
       <h:form id="projectInformationForm">
       <h:panelGroup id="projectInformationTab">
       <table class="internal" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
       <td bgcolor="#004D81"><font color="#CCECFF"><b>Project Name</b></font></td>
       <td bgcolor="#004D81"><font color="#CCECFF"><b>Project Code</b></font></td>
       <td bgcolor="#004D81"><font color="#CCECFF"><b>Project Status</b></font></td>
       <td>#{projectInformation.projectStatus} - #{projectInformation.projectStatusDate}</td>
       <a:poll id="projectInformationRefresh" enabled="#{projectAction.refreshProjectInformation}" action="#{projectAction.refreshProjectInformationTab(false)}" reRender="projectInformationTab" interval="60000"/>
       <div class="aTab">
       <h:form id="phaseStatusesForm">
       <h:dataTable id="phaseStatuses" value="#{phaseStatuses}" var="phase" headerClass="header" columnClasses="borderSolidBlack" styleClass="borderSolidBlack">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="Process" />
       <h:outputLink value="#" onclick="showTab('tabView2',#{phase.phaseNumber});">
       <font color="#000099">#{phase.phaseName}</font>
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="Status" />
       <h:outputText value="#{phase.phaseStatus}" />
       <a:poll id="phaseStatusesRefresh" enabled="#{projectAction.refreshPhaseStatus}" action="#{projectAction.refreshPhaseStatusTab(false)}" reRender="phaseStatuses" interval="60000"/>