1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 18, 2008 10:10 AM by manik

    ClassCastException when not restarting jbosscache service be



      We're currently using Jboss AS 4.2.2.GA on Solaris 10 with JbossCache 2.2.0.CR6.

      Naturally we're deploying it as a SAR as per the wiki. This all works somewhat marvelous, but when we redeploy one of our EARs and an EJB tries to grab hold of something in the cache that was there before it got redeployed. It throws a ClassCastException at us. Trying to call the clearData(Fqn) doesn't remove the problem either. Reploying the SAR with JbossCache in it does however. Our POJOs have serialVersionUID set of course, which should make for the objects to be the same always (given that we don't change them of course). Is JbossCache possible caching the class of the objects it stores? And if so is it possible to only clear a certain part of the tree like when using clearData(Fqn) to clear cached data to get these class cachings disappear.

      If there's any other detailed information you guys need - don't hesitate to ask for it.


      Ian J.