1 Reply Latest reply on May 27, 2009 1:01 AM by mircea.markus

    Registration of Cache MBean for JMX?

      Hi all,

      I'm working on a thesis about simulation and evaluation of distributed caching and I would like to use the standalone version of the JBoss Cache for this purpose. Now I have some questions regarding the registration of the MBeans to JMX.

      The userguide for 3.0.0GA "Naga"


      shows two different solutions for this:

      The first one (Registration with an existing cache instance) has been implemented by me like this:

       //CacheFactory factory = new DefaultCacheFactory();
       Cache cache = factory.createCache("total-replication.xml");
       //Creating MBean Server for JMX-Manager
       MBeanServer server =
       ObjectName on = null;
       //I don't know why I need a try/catch-block right here, but ObjectName on = new ObjectName("jboss.cache:service=Cache"); is throwing an exception without it?!
       try {
       on = new ObjectName("jboss.cache:service=Cache");
       } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e)
       } catch (NullPointerException e)
       JmxRegistrationManager jmxManager = new
       JmxRegistrationManager(server, cache, on);

      After that I'm fetching some information about the objects via toString() (what exactly is the MBean Count from the MBeanServer?):

      Domain: jboss.cache
      PropertyList: service=Cache
      Object toString: jboss.cache:service=Cache

      Object NameBase: jboss.cache:service=Cache
      Object toString: org.jboss.cache.jmx.JmxRegistrationManager@d66426

      MBeanCount: 8
      Server toString: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer@1490eb5/

      Creating the cache via the "CacheJmxWrapper" is the second solution in the usermanual. Regarding the example with this wrapper I ran into some trouble when creating the wrapper. First of all, there seems not to be a constructor which is accepting a Configuration Object like in the example:

       CacheJmxWrapperMBean wrapper = new CacheJmxWrapper(config);

      Furthermore, the "CacheJmxWrapper" will not be supported anymore since API Version 3.0 and will be replaced by the "JmxRegistrationManager".


      The "CacheJmxWrapper" is signed as deprecated. Is it still recommended to use it and how do I create it without using the Configuration object in the constructor?

      A similar question regarding the wrapper was has been raised in this thread:


      Thanks for your help!


        • 1. Re: Registration of Cache MBean for JMX?


          what exactly is the MBean Count from the MBeanServer?

          Number of MBeans registered in the server :)
          The "CacheJmxWrapper" is signed as deprecated. Is it still recommended to use it and how do I create it without using the Configuration object in the constructor?

          The doc is incorrect - thanks for spotting this!
          CacheJmxWrapper is there for backward compatibility reasons, please use JmxRegistrationManager. I'll update the docs as well.