2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 29, 2010 7:39 AM by dominic89

    <rich:panelBar> don't work with <a:repeat>


      Hi @ all,


      I try to write items from a HashSet as a label to <rich:panelBarItem>. It works all fine but I can't open the panelItems which are generated by <a:repeat>. The Items I write hardcoded works without problems.


      Does someone know where my mistake is ???




      <rich:panel bodyClass="rich-laguna-panel-no-header" style="height: 600px;" >
            <f:facet name="header">Permissions for EAN</f:facet>
                 <rich:panelBar height="200" width="500">
                      <a:form ajaxSubmit="true" reRender="test">
                                                 <a:repeat value="#{gameHome.instance.eans.toArray()}" var="ean" >
                             <rich:panelBarItem label="#{ean.ean}" >

                                     <h:outputText id="test" >

                                              The framework is implemented using a component library. The library set Ajax
                                               functionality into existing pages, so there is no need to write any JavaScript
                                               code or to replace existing components with new Ajax one. Ajax4jsf enables page-wide
                                               Ajax support instead of the traditional component-wide support and it gives the
                                               opportunity to define the event on the page. An event invokes an Ajax request and areas

                                              of the page which are synchronized with the JSF Component Tree after changing the data
                                               on the server by Ajax request in accordance with events fired on the client.



                                <rich:panelBarItem label="Test" >
                                     The framework is implemented using a component library. The library set Ajax
                                      functionality into existing pages, so there is no need to write any JavaScript


                               <rich:panelBarItem label="Test2" >
                                     The framework is implemented using a component library. The library set Ajax
                                     functionality into existing pages, so there is no need to write any JavaScript

            <div style="clear: both" />




      Kind Regards