6 Replies Latest reply on Feb 8, 2011 2:06 PM by theute

    Gatein with MaxDB




      we are using jboss with maxdb.

      Now I tried to use gatein also with maxdb.

      But maxdb allows database names with a maximum of 8 chars.

      So there is no chance to create a database like jdbcjcr_portal.


      Is there any chance to run gatein with maxdb with this conditions?


      best regards,



        • 1. Gatein with MaxDB

          Yes, you could change to anything you want.


          But we didn't test GateIn with MaxDB AFAIK, so you may want to give it a try.


          If you don't have any portal container deployed (such as not having gatein-samples*), by default it will try to create "jdbcjcr" so that should fit with that limitation. You could try with that first.

          • 2. Gatein with MaxDB

            I think you can name your databases whatever you want. The "_portal" part of the name only applies to the JNDI name. You should be able to create the JCR database (using your choice of name), then point to that database using the appropritate JNDI name in your *-ds.xml file.


            Michael - does that make sense?    

            • 3. Gatein with MaxDB



              the community project isn't set to use managed datasource out of the box

              • 4. Gatein with MaxDB

                I didn't realize that - good to know!

                • 5. Gatein with MaxDB

                  Hi Thomas,


                  I´ve tried this.

                  Here is my config:










                  So far so good. But one component does not accept the "gatein.jcr.datasource.dialect" property.

                  I´m not sure which component-configuration is faulty.

                  If I look at GateIn-3.1.0-GA/server/default/deploy/gatein.ear/02portal.war/WEB-INF/conf/jcr/ all dialects are set to ${gatein.jcr.datasource.dialect}


                  Any help?


                  Best regards,





                  Here is the Stacktrace:



                  16:40:54,728 INFO  [TRAXTemplatesServiceImpl] XSLT schema found by relative path: xslt/get-method.xsl

                  16:40:55,250 INFO  [FileValueStorage] Directory created: /Users/michael/Work/Message-Mobile/JBoss/GateIn-3.1.0-GA/server/default/data/gatein/jcr/values/system

                  16:40:55,251 INFO  [StandaloneStoragePluginProvider] Value Storage Plugin initialized org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.value.fs.TreeFileValueStorage@1d68b01

                  16:40:55,300 INFO  [JDBCWorkspaceDataContainer] Using a dialect 'Generic'

                  16:40:55,502 ERROR [JDBCWorkspaceDataContainer] Error of init db org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.util.jdbc.DBInitializerException: Could not create db schema of DataSource: 'system'. Reason: [-5016] (at 38): Missing delimiter: ); . Last command: CREATE TABLE JCR_SVALUE(   ID BIGINT generated by default as identity (START WITH 2, INCREMENT BY 1) NOT NULL,    DATA VARBINARY(65535),   ORDER_NUM INTEGER NOT NULL,   PROPERTY_ID VARCHAR(96) NOT NULL,   STORAGE_DESC VARCHAR(512),   CONSTRAINT JCR_PK_SVALUE PRIMARY KEY(ID),   CONSTRAINT JCR_FK_SVALUE_PROPERTY FOREIGN KEY(PROPERTY_ID) REFERENCES JCR_SITEM(ID)  )

                  org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.util.jdbc.DBInitializerException: Could not create db schema of DataSource: 'system'. Reason: [-5016] (at 38): Missing delimiter: ); . Last command: CREATE TABLE JCR_SVALUE(   ID BIGINT generated by default as identity (START WITH 2, INCREMENT BY 1) NOT NULL,    DATA VARBINARY(65535),   ORDER_NUM INTEGER NOT NULL,   PROPERTY_ID VARCHAR(96) NOT NULL,   STORAGE_DESC VARCHAR(512),   CONSTRAINT JCR_PK_SVALUE PRIMARY KEY(ID),   CONSTRAINT JCR_FK_SVALUE_PROPERTY FOREIGN KEY(PROPERTY_ID) REFERENCES JCR_SITEM(ID)  )

                      at org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.util.jdbc.DBInitializer.init(DBInitializer.java:376)

                      at org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.jdbc.optimisation.CQJDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.initDatabase(CQJDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.java:252)

                      at org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.jdbc.JDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.<init>(JDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.java:394)

                      at org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.jdbc.optimisation.CQJDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.<init>(CQJDBCWorkspaceDataContainer.java:73)


                  • 6. Gatein with MaxDB

                    The configuration expects a eXo JCR dialect name, and not an hibernate one (It is not using Hibernate).


                    MaxDB is actually not supported by eXo JCR and it tries to fallback to a generic RDBMS but seems to just fail.


                    We certify the product (EPP) against a set of database as described here:



                    SAP MaxDB isn't part of them