2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 14, 2011 12:18 PM by kgregory

    Possible problem with large number of addresses and wildcard queues


      Our application sends messages to addresses of the form "APP.VERSION.X.Y", where there are approximately 50 different values for X and 50,000 different values for Y. The listener listens to the address "APP.VERSION.X.*". Occasionally the receiver will start receiving messages where getAddress() returns the wildcard:


      message received containing wildcard: predictive.1_4.121.*

               message ID:       40419858

               original address: null

               delivery count:   1

               timestamp:        1310568295561


      message received containing wildcard: predictive.1_4.121.*

               message ID:       40549907

               original address: null

               delivery count:   1

               timestamp:        1310568392092


      In both of these cases, the address should have been "predictive.1_4.121.121+11332". It appears to affect specific addresses repeatedly; there should be several thousand messages per minute where the X value is 121, but we only see the error where the Y value is 121+11332. Similar problems happen for other X values. It doesn't matter whether we wildcard with "#" or "*".


      If we shut down and restart the consumer, the same addresses have problems. If we shutdown and restart the producer, it will be different addresses.


      We have not yet tried to replicate with a SSCEP, but were hoping that you could provide some insight before we do that.