0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 5, 2009 3:29 PM by kaboel.repel.steel.scarlet.be

    Seam entitymanager:  get at the information using the field name


      Seam entitymanager:  get at the information using the field name

      Using the  entity manager  in seam  I get  list of individual results  ( em.createQuery(sql))
      as I do not know beforehand  what the sql statement is, i can not get at induvidual fields  using the  column names

      is there a way  to  get at Hibernate's  meta data  for the resultset from the above  statement.(em.createQuery(sql))

      What I would like to do is get at  individual fields by  fieldname  in the style :   (resultset) .findColumn(sql field name).getObject().

      Is there a way to get at this information ??
      It would be wonderfull to start 2009  with that possibility