1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 2, 2010 11:08 AM by jguglielmin

    Autocomplete selectInputText valueChangeListener

      I am using selectInputText with autocomplete function inside a dataTable. My table has 10 rows.

      <ice:selectInputText size="13"
      title="This textbox is enhanced with auto-complete functionality. Just type in the c-nr you are looking for.">
      <f:selectItems value="#{cAuto.matchesList}"/>

      Whenever user selects a value (for a field) from the auto complete listing, i have to populate the values in another fields of that row in dataTable.

      --Independ of the number of rows in the dataTable, it works only for the last row everytime and the inputvalue is cleared

      public void putCurrentSub(Sub sub)
      this.currentSub = sub;

      public void updateList(ValueChangeEvent event)

      if (event.getComponent() instanceof SelectInputText)
      SelectInputText autoComplete = (SelectInputText) event.getComponent();
      if (autoComplete.getSelectedItem() != null)
      Sub sub = (Sub) autoComplete.getSelectedItem().getValue();



      protected void setMatches(ValueChangeEvent event)

      setMatchesList(new ArrayList<SelectItem>());
      String searchWord = event.getNewValue().toString();
      if (!searchWord.equals(""))
      List<Sub> tempCountList = getEntityManager().createQuery("select ec from Sub ec where ec.cNo like :cNo").setParameter("cNo", searchWord + "%").getResultList();
      for (Sub sub : tempCountList)
      SelectItem selectItem = new SelectItem(sub, sub.getCNo());
      if (!getMatchesList().contains(selectItem))
        • 1. Re: Autocomplete selectInputText valueChangeListener

          When you use any UIInput derived components within a UIData (datatable for example), you need to have the value attribute so that the row all pertains to the same row in the UIData.  (your var property in your datatable has to have a relation within each UIInput component in the same row).