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    Is the Seam team there



      The last few months the forum is not really alive and I don't see a real interest from the Seam dream team. I know Seam 3 is very interesting, but for the average developer Seam 2 is the only option.

      Some Red Hat interest would be great !

        • 1. Re: Is the Seam team there

          Yes, we're around but as you pointed out Seam 3 is consuming most of our time.  You can expect to see more of us once we have the Seam 3 final release out, but in the meantime be assured that we are keeping an eye on the forums.

          • 2. Re: Is the Seam team there

            Leo .. you are as good as the seam team ;)

            • 3. Re: Is the Seam team there

              Yes, and we are very proud of the Seam community as a whole.  It is great to see so many helpful people here on the forums. :)

              • 4. Re: Is the Seam team there


                I am worried about the decrease in forum users. I just made the statment to see if Seam people are stiil interested and are just too busy because of the Seam 3 release. You just confirmed this.

                From a technological and economical point of view fully switching to Seam (from Spring) is like gambling and we want to be sure that we've picked the right thing....


                • 5. Re: Is the Seam team there

                  very valid.

                  i believe that JEE6/CDI has caught up to Spring: it is light, fast, easy and standardized. but even that we as seam2 users are not getting anytime soon!.

                  Spring ppl are very smart and are business oriented. while most ppl are debating Spring vs JEE (don’t forget python, php5, ruby on rails ..etc), Spring is fast moving ahead. Their applications are ready for the Cloud with all the tools u need. They make ideas like SaaS, PaaS accessible to ordinary developers and within their reach. see

                  their support services are unmatched and the their sub-projects are stamped ‘Enterprise ready’.

                  I use JEE in my applications. but I keep an eye on Springsource. to say the least, they are always one step ahead and their vision into enterprise apps is just impressive.

                  • 6. Re: Is the Seam team there


                    I always keep an eye on Spring, but some things are MUCH easier to implement in Seam, but is takes a lot of time to learn them.

                    I agree that Spring goes faster, but using de-facto standards is really important for numerous bigger customers.


                    • 7. Re: Is the Seam team there

                      I am not the seam team, but I still look once in a while, however, I have mostly moved to stackoverflow.com which I feel is a much better forum. So anyone asking Seam questions there with seam tags, I generally answer.

                      But I try to answer once in a while here also.

                      • 8. Re: Is the Seam team there

                        I know it's kind of very hard for the core team to be responding to all the emails. We are a very small shop and sometimes it's quite scary to think, if we have invested our time and energy on the right platform. The community participation at this stage should have been way higher since the Seam platform is quite mature, but to the contrary it seems to be slowing down which doesn't seem to be quite good. I would love to see this evolve as a great platform to program with, but currently I am not that convinced.

                        Just my 2 cents.

                        • 9. Re: Is the Seam team there
                          hi experts today i encountered another problem with selectmanycheckbox ;the snippet code including

                          <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{conversationBean.oneList}">
                              <s:selectItems value="#{conversationBean.anotherList}" var="something" label="#{something.name}">

                          and now i need to persist a list of selected(checked) from conversationBean.anotherList into conversationBean.oneList . i don,t know how to? please F1 me.(i mean i,m really get in trouble and really need your help)
                          • 10. Re: Is the Seam team there

                            Hi Leo, I'm alway interested in seam and try to answer questions on the forum, but as I see lot's of main problems are discussed and solved, and latest posts are from people who are just beginners and don't want to read seam reference and previous forum posts where all their most problems are discussed.

                            I'm also keeping my eye on spring and very interesting in integration with JSF2, spring already did that.

                            I'm waiting when Seam team will start implemetation of Seam2 + JSF2 functionality.

                            Also I would suggest Seam team to concentrate under this functionality more then in implementing Seam3 cause they could loose lot's of new users, I think this year new projects will be started in stack of JSF2. There are lots of good components already implemented and there is no need to use JSF 1.2 already. For example Primefaces are really good, richafces are close to first release with JSF2, and seam 3 is still buggy and unstable, no good examples, documentation etc., it is not ready for production projects.

                            Spring is planning to implement converation in next release, if they do it as good as Seam did unfortunately I would start using spring instead of Seam, not looking at the fact that I like Seam very mush.

                            • 11. Re: Is the Seam team there

                              As a newer user who has searched for the solutions to my problems without much luck, posted without a response and read many a thread that went unanswered after months I think that your statement:

                              latest posts are from people who are just beginners and don't want to read seam reference and previous forum posts where all their most problems are discussed.

                              is the sort of thing that makes people like me go elsewhere.  If the forum were indexed or managed in a way that would make it a better reference then your excuse would be more valid.  I've tried my best to find answers to my problems with this forum and I resent the fact that you feel that I'm wasting your time with my questions.  I also resent the fact that I can't find answers to my questions without having to check several different forums where they all tell me that we're all just beginners and don't want to read seam reference and previous forum posts where all their most problems are discussed.
                              /frustrated (can't figure out my problem) rant off

                              • 12. Re: Is the Seam team there

                                First of all I would suggest you to download jboss Seam distribution with sources, then read "..\doc\reference\en-US\pdf"

                                after that go to "..\examples" folder and see them. Mail, web services, different persistent providers examples are there.

                                If you are lazy that's you problem, I don't have time to answer questions " Hello I'm novice, help me! How to create login page????"

                                Also take a look at richafces examples website.

                                If you will have problems after that then be sure that community will answer.

                                • 13. Re: Is the Seam team there
                                  hi experts today i encountered another problem with selectmanycheckbox ;the snippet code including

                                  <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{conversationBean.oneList}">
                                      <s:selectItems value="#{conversationBean.anotherList}" var="something" label="#{something.name}">

                                  and now i need to persist a list of selected(checked) from conversationBean.anotherList into conversationBean.oneList . i don,t know how to? please F1 me.(i mean i,m really get in trouble and really need your help)
                                  more details of my problem is :
                                  my xhtml tags :
                                  <rich:dataTable var="_se" value="#{positionTypeSeverityConversation.GetSeverityTypeName()}">
                                          <h:outputText value="#{_se.name}" />
                                    <h:selectManyCheckbox id="severityList" onchange="submit()"
                                  ----> here i dont know what to place with ? (?=someKinfOfList)
                                  <s:selectItems var="_seList"
                                        label="#{_se.name}" />

                                     <s:convertEntity />

                                     <h:commandButton id="save" value="Save"
                                        style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Abyssinica SIL';" />

                                  <s:button view="/setting/hr/PositionType.xhtml" id="cancelAdd"
                                  <f:param name="positionTypeId" value="#{positionTypeId}" />

                                  with this tag ---> <s:selectItems var="_seList"

                                      label="#{_se.name}" /> i fill list check box. and user can select of them.my problem is to sending id's of severityhai's which was selected to

                                  ---> <h:selectManyCheckbox id="severityList" onchange="submit()"

                                  value="#{positionTypeSeverityConversation.?">. and atleast i should persist severity's at PositionTypeSeverity table.well i have 3 tables 1-Severity 2-SeverityType 3-PositionTypeSeverity and 1-Severity with 2-SeverityType has n--->1 relation And 1-Severity with 3-PositionTypeSeveity has 1---->n relation.

                                  public class PositionTypeSeverityConversationBean implements
                                     PositionTypeSeverityConversation, Serializable {

                                  private static final long serialVersionUID = -3604911984259043624L;

                                  private Log log;
                                  private EntityManager entityManager;
                                  private PositionTypeSeverity positionTypeSeverity;
                                  private SeverityType severityType;

                                  public List<SeverityType> GetSeverityTypeName(){
                                    return (List<SeverityType>) this.entityManager.createQuery(
                                  " from SeverityType s ("
                                  . getResultList();

                                  public List<SeverityType> GetSeverityList(long id) {
                                    return (List<Severity>) this.entityManager.createQuery(
                                  " from Severity s where s.severityType.id = :id("
                                  . setParameter("id", id(
                                  . getResultList();


                                      with a hql query i did select from Severity and show the list in ---><s:selectItems var="_seList"


                                      label="#{_se.name}" /> and do not know how to persist severity's which selectd . i need a java method to persist them.and i know i should send id of the severity's which selected to a list but i couldnt find good example most people use static list to show items and send a name to selectmanycheckbox value;
                                  • 14. Re: Is the Seam team there

                                    Click HELP for text formatting instructions. Then edit this text and check the preview.

                                    Hi leo sir,i have a problem with my project,i am running it up to now in production mode,so when i made changes n classes i have to restart the server again,to overcome this problem i make change in build.properties to development mode ,but it is working properly,it is showing deployment failed,i dont know where to change exactly .please help me and give your valuable suggestions,thanks in advance

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