I)CONFIGURING JBPM TO WORK WITH ORACLE AS DATASTORE there are two ways to let the hibernate ,the default persistence layer of jbpm to access an oracle database,which are 1)In a ManagedEnvironment ,(i.e) letting jbpm run in a application server 2)In a Non-ManagedEnvironment,(i.e) letting jbpm run in a standalone fashion for the above said classifications,the hibernate requires few changes in the properties which become part of Jbpmconfiguration during ServiceFactory Creation.Both of the catagories are listed below with requisite information. 1)MANAGED ENVIRONMENT : a)hibernate.connection.datasource = java:/JbpmDS b)hibernate.transaction.factory_class = net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory c)hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class = net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup d)hibernate.session_factory_name=java:comp/env/hibernate/SessionFactory e)hibernate.jndi.url=localhost:1099 a) and c) are specific to applicationserver and inorder to let these two take effect we need the hibernate's default jars along with an applicationserver specific configuration file too.an example configuration file for JBOSS is provided here ,which should be named as "jbpm-ds.xml". JbpmDS jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver JBPM JBPM 1 15 0 true 2)NONMANAGED ENVIRONMENT : a)hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl b)hibernate.connection.driver_class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver c)hibernate.connection.username=JBPM d)hibernate.connection.password=JBPM both of the configurations require the oracle's driver classes which can be either obtained in oracle's installation directory,under a directory called jdbc/lib or can be downloaded from the below given link http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/htdocs/jdbc9201.html II)executing the modified ddl there three coloumns present in the attached ddl which differ from the usual ddl generated ,which are 1)CONFIGURATION present under JBPM_DEFINITION ,size changed to 1000k,increase it if you want it 2)bytes present under JBPM_FILE as LONGRAW instead of RAW 3)SERIALIZEDVALUE present under JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE ,size changed to max value of 4000k the modified ddl is also present along with this document and you can either use ant to upload the scripts or go the oracle way of executing the scripts.the user creation dcl is also present with this document which you modify to suit your purpose. if you are going to use ant you can use sql task (refer ant's descriptive docs to use this task). And finally before you let the deploypar task execute ,make sure the jbpm configuration property "jbpm.create.tables=only-if-not-present" is present.