package org.jboss.logging.filter; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import org.apache.log4j.spi.Filter; import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent; import org.jboss.util.collection.WeakSet; /** An appender filter that accepts log events based on whether the thread context class loader has a classpath URL that has the DeployURL attribute as a substring. A sample usage would be: @author @version $Revison:$ */ public class TCLFilter extends Filter { /** The set of TCLs seen to match DeployURL */ private WeakSet matchSet = new WeakSet(); /** The set of TCLs seen to not match DeployURL */ private WeakSet missSet = new WeakSet(); /** The deployment URL string fragment to match against */ private String deployURL; /** Whether a match should return ACCEPT or DENY */ private boolean acceptOnMatch = true; public boolean isAcceptOnMatch() { return acceptOnMatch; } public void setAcceptOnMatch(boolean acceptOnMatch) { this.acceptOnMatch = acceptOnMatch; } public String getDeployURL() { return deployURL; } public void setDeployURL(String deployURL) { this.deployURL = deployURL; } public int decide(LoggingEvent event) { int ok = Filter.DENY; if( acceptOnMatch == true ) { ok = Filter.DENY; if( isMatchingTCL() ) ok = Filter.ACCEPT; } else { ok = Filter.ACCEPT; if( isMatchingTCL() ) ok = Filter.DENY; } return ok; } /** Start with the current thread context class loader * @return true if the caller tcl has a url matching our deployURL */ private boolean isMatchingTCL() { ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if( matchSet.contains(tcl) ) return true; if( missSet.contains(tcl) ) return false; // Search the class loader URLs for a match ClassLoader cl = tcl; boolean match = false; while( cl != null ) { URL[] urls = getClassLoaderURLs(cl); for(int n = 0; n < urls.length; n ++) { URL u = urls[n]; String file = u.getFile(); if( file.indexOf(deployURL) > 0 ) { match = true; break; } } cl = cl.getParent(); } if( match == true ) matchSet.add(tcl); else missSet.add(tcl); return match; } /** Use reflection to access a URL[] getURLs method so that non-URLClassLoader class loaders that support this method can provide info. */ private static URL[] getClassLoaderURLs(ClassLoader cl) { URL[] urls = {}; try { Class returnType = urls.getClass(); Class[] parameterTypes = {}; Method getURLs = cl.getClass().getMethod("getURLs", parameterTypes); if( returnType.isAssignableFrom(getURLs.getReturnType()) ) { Object[] args = {}; urls = (URL[]) getURLs.invoke(cl, args); } if( urls == null || urls.length == 0 ) { getURLs = cl.getClass().getMethod("getClasspath", parameterTypes); if( returnType.isAssignableFrom(getURLs.getReturnType()) ) { Object[] args = {}; urls = (URL[]) getURLs.invoke(cl, args); } } } catch(Exception ignore) { } return urls; } }