# Configuration file for LDAP membership domain activate=true # The class that implements the LDAP membership AuthDomainClass=com.metamatrix.platform.security.membership.spi.ldap.LDAPMembershipDomain #Full LDAP URL (mandatory) ldapURL=ldap://localhost:389 #Bind account password for group lookup. ldapAdmin.password=teiid #The attribute(s) that uniquely identifies a user. users.displayName.attribute = uid #The search filter(s) to apply to each users root context. users.searchFilter=(objectclass=*) #Specifies the context(s) to use when searching for users.(mandatory) users.rootContext=ou=people,dc=teiid,dc=com?ou=people #Bind account DN for group lookup. ldapAdmin.dn=cn=Directory Manager #Attribute(s) that appears on each user that identifies group membership. users.memberOf.attribute= #The attribute(s) that uniquely identifies a group. groups.displayName.attribute= #How far down the directory tree to search each users root context. users.searchScope=SUBTREE_SCOPE #Specifies the context(s) to use when searching for groups.(mandatory) groups.rootContext=ou=groups,dc=teiid,dc=com?ou=groups #The search filter(s) to apply to each groups root context groups.searchFilter=(objectclass=*) #How far down the directory tree to search each groups root context. groups.searchScope=SUBTREE_SCOPE #Time to wait for LDAP operations to complete. txnTimeoutInMillis=120000 #The attribute(s) that contains the members of the group. groups.groupMember.attribute=