15:52:07,326 | INFO | main | nnectorServerFactoryBean | jmx.ConnectorServerFactoryBean 192 | JMX connector available at: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:2099/jmxrmi 15:52:07,504 | INFO | main | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 584 | ServiceMix JBI Container (ServiceMix) is starting 15:52:07,504 | INFO | main | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 585 | For help or more information please see: http://servicemix.apache.org/ 15:52:07,908 | INFO | main | JCAFlow | cemix.jbi.nmr.flow.jca.JCAFlow 244 | ActiveMQResourceAdapter server url was null. Setting it to: tcp://localhost:61616 15:52:07,920 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: #SubscriptionManager# 15:52:10,601 | INFO | main | jetty | ervicemix.http.jetty.JCLLogger 83 | Logging to org.apache.servicemix.http.jetty.JCLLogger@52039826 via org.apache.servicemix.http.jetty.JCLLogger 15:52:10,737 | INFO | main | DeploymentService | bi.framework.DeploymentService 690 | Restoring service assemblies 15:52:11,131 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-lwcontainer to Started 15:52:11,132 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-lwcontainer 15:52:11,240 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-wsn2005 to Started 15:52:11,241 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-wsn2005 15:52:13,708 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-camel to Started 15:52:13,709 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-camel 15:52:13,891 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-eip to Started 15:52:13,892 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-eip 15:52:14,092 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-ftp to Started 15:52:14,092 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-ftp 15:52:14,225 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-jms to Started 15:52:14,226 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-jms 15:52:14,577 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-saxon to Started 15:52:14,577 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-saxon 15:52:14,847 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-truezip to Started 15:52:14,848 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-truezip 15:52:15,124 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-cxf-bc to Started 15:52:15,124 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-cxf-bc 15:52:15,169 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ort.AbstractApplicationContext 383 | Refreshing org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext@63074a5f: display name [org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext@63074a5f]; startup date [Thu Feb 26 15:52:15 CET 2009]; root of context hierarchy 15:52:15,283 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | he.cxf.common.logging.LogUtils 345 | No cxf.xml configuration file detected, relying on defaults. 15:52:15,284 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml] 15:52:15,387 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml] 15:52:15,393 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-addr.xml] 15:52:15,397 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http.xml] 15:52:15,402 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-policy.xml] 15:52:15,408 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jms.xml] 15:52:15,413 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-rm.xml] 15:52:15,418 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jbi-binding.xml] 15:52:15,421 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-management.xml] 15:52:15,424 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jbi.xml] 15:52:15,428 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http-jetty.xml] 15:52:15,431 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http.xml] 15:52:15,437 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ort.AbstractApplicationContext 398 | Bean factory for application context [org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext@63074a5f]: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@8b3826f 15:52:15,576 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ntext$BeanPostProcessorChecker 1030 | Bean 'org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.Jsr250BeanPostProcessor' is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying) 15:52:15,582 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ntext$BeanPostProcessorChecker 1030 | Bean 'org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusExtensionPostProcessor' is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying) 15:52:16,743 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-cxf-se to Started 15:52:16,744 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-cxf-se 15:52:16,786 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ort.AbstractApplicationContext 383 | Refreshing org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext@7562f00: display name [org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext@7562f00]; startup date [Thu Feb 26 15:52:16 CET 2009]; root of context hierarchy 15:52:16,856 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | he.cxf.common.logging.LogUtils 345 | No cxf.xml configuration file detected, relying on defaults. 15:52:16,857 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml] 15:52:16,867 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml] 15:52:16,871 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxws.xml] 15:52:16,874 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jbi-binding.xml] 15:52:16,877 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jbi.xml] 15:52:16,879 | INFO | main | nXmlBeanDefinitionReader | ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 303 | Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-xml.xml] 15:52:16,882 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ort.AbstractApplicationContext 398 | Bean factory for application context [org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext@7562f00]: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@3a536d00 15:52:16,942 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ntext$BeanPostProcessorChecker 1030 | Bean 'org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.Jsr250BeanPostProcessor' is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying) 15:52:16,946 | INFO | main | BusApplicationContext | ntext$BeanPostProcessorChecker 1030 | Bean 'org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusExtensionPostProcessor' is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying) 15:52:17,405 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-drools to Started 15:52:17,406 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-drools 15:52:17,603 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-jsr181 to Started 15:52:17,604 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-jsr181 15:52:17,799 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-quartz to Started 15:52:17,800 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-quartz 15:52:17,884 | INFO | main | SimpleThreadPool | .quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool 247 | Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main 15:52:17,906 | INFO | main | QuartzScheduler | rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler 195 | Quartz Scheduler v.1.5.2 created. 15:52:17,908 | INFO | main | RAMJobStore | org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore 138 | RAMJobStore initialized. 15:52:17,909 | INFO | main | StdSchedulerFactory | uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory 1014 | Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: 'quartz.properties' 15:52:17,909 | INFO | main | StdSchedulerFactory | uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory 1018 | Quartz scheduler version: 1.5.2 15:52:17,910 | INFO | main | QuartzScheduler | rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler 400 | Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. 15:52:18,058 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-bean to Started 15:52:18,059 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-bean 15:52:18,365 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-file to Started 15:52:18,366 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-file 15:52:18,733 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-http to Started 15:52:18,734 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-http 15:52:19,018 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-xmpp to Started 15:52:19,018 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-xmpp 15:52:19,265 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 363 | Setting running state for Component: servicemix-script to Started 15:52:19,265 | INFO | main | ComponentMBeanImpl | i.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl 191 | Initializing component: servicemix-script 15:52:19,683 | INFO | main | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 660 | ServiceMix JBI Container (ServiceMix) started 15:52:20,006 | INFO | main | JDBCAdapterFactory | icemix.jdbc.JDBCAdapterFactory 45 | Database driver recognized: [apache_derby_embedded_jdbc_driver] 15:52:20,139 | INFO | main | LogTask | servicemix.jbi.logging.LogTask 58 | Logging system reconfigured using file: file:conf/log4j.xml 18:29:40,496 | INFO | ServiceMix ShutdownHook | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 698 | Shutting down ServiceMix JBI Container (ServiceMix) stopped 18:29:41,599 | INFO | ServiceMix ShutdownHook | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 992 | Deactivating component #SubscriptionManager# 18:29:41,602 | INFO | ServiceMix ShutdownHook | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 746 | Waiting for complete shutdown of the components and service assemblies 18:29:41,648 | INFO | Thread-15 | QuartzScheduler | rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler 415 | Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED paused. 18:29:41,658 | INFO | Thread-15 | QuartzScheduler | rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler 486 | Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutting down. 18:29:41,658 | INFO | Thread-15 | QuartzScheduler | rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler 415 | Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED paused. 18:29:41,665 | INFO | Thread-15 | QuartzScheduler | rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler 520 | Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutdown complete. 18:29:41,722 | INFO | ServiceMix ShutdownHook | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 749 | Components and service assemblies have been shut down 18:29:41,726 | INFO | ServiceMix ShutdownHook | JBIContainer | mix.jbi.container.JBIContainer 715 | ServiceMix JBI Container (ServiceMix) stopped