10:33:17,501 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:17,501 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:17,501 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:17,517 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:17,517 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:22,533 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:22,533 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:22,533 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:22,548 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:22,548 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:27,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:27,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:27,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:27,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:27,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:32,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:32,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:32,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:32,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:32,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:37,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:37,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:37,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:37,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:37,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:42,660 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:42,660 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:42,660 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:42,675 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:42,675 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:47,692 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:33:47,692 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed at location 2 10:33:47,692 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> { page: 2, deferredEncoding: true } 10:33:47,723 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:33:47,723 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:33:48,707 | INFO | Timer-1 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext 365 | Application Context service already unpublished 10:33:48,707 | INFO | Timer-1 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | pport.AbstractApplicationContext 815 | Closing org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext@1ea4f1e: display name [OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)]; startup date [Thu Sep 02 10:08:18 EDT 2010]; root of context hierarchy 10:33:48,707 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | ort.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry 421 | Destroying singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@eb6949: defining beans [fileFilter,fileAntFilter,fileAggregatorProcessor,fileAggregatorStrategy,hawtdbRepo,org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,camelProperties,aggregatorEndpoint,aggregatorEndpointConsumer,aggregatorEndpointProducer,senderEndpoint,senderEndpointConsumer,senderEndpointProducer,destinationEndpointProducer,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext:beanPostProcessor,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext]; root of factory hierarchy 10:33:48,707 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1086 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext:fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) is shutting down 10:33:48,707 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultShutdownStrategy | mel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy 96 | Starting to graceful shutdown 2 routes (timeout 300 seconds) 10:33:48,707 | INFO | 6 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 362 | Route: route22 suspended and shutdown deferred, was consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi1/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 10:33:48,707 | INFO | 6 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 362 | Route: route21 suspended and shutdown deferred, was consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi2/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 10:33:48,707 | INFO | 6 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 414 | Route: route22 shutdown complete. 10:33:48,707 | INFO | 6 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 414 | Route: route21 shutdown complete. 10:33:48,707 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultShutdownStrategy | mel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy 128 | Graceful shutdown of 2 routes completed in 0 seconds 10:33:48,707 | DEBUG | Timer-1 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 96 | Stopping HawtDB using file: e:\work\hi3\hawtdb\hawtdb.dat 10:33:48,739 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultInflightRepository | l.impl.DefaultInflightRepository 93 | Shutting down with no inflight exchanges. 10:33:48,739 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1134 | Uptime: 25 minutes 10:33:48,739 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1135 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext: fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) is shutdown in 0.032 seconds 10:33:48,739 | INFO | Timer-1 | ContextLoaderListener | BundleApplicationContextListener 60 | Application context succesfully closed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)) 10:34:02,177 | INFO | l Console Thread | ultOsgiApplicationContextCreator | ultOsgiApplicationContextCreator 67 | Discovered configurations {osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml} in bundle [owtma-file-service-receiver (owtma-file-service-receiver)] 10:34:02,177 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | pport.AbstractApplicationContext 411 | Refreshing org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext@490dd0: display name [OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)]; startup date [Thu Sep 02 10:34:02 EDT 2010]; root of context hierarchy 10:34:02,177 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext 359 | Unpublishing application context OSGi service for bundle owtma-file-service-receiver (owtma-file-service-receiver) 10:34:02,177 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | tory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 323 | Loading XML bean definitions from URL [bundleentry://185.fwk25337455/META-INF/spring/beans.xml] 10:34:02,193 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | tory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 323 | Loading XML bean definitions from URL [bundleentry://185.fwk25337455/META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'aggregatorEndpoint': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'aggregatorEndpointConsumer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'aggregatorEndpointProducer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'senderEndpoint': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'senderEndpointConsumer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'senderEndpointProducer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'destinationEndpointProducer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | pport.AbstractApplicationContext 426 | Bean factory for application context [org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext@490dd0]: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@2a4b3b 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer | .support.PropertiesLoaderSupport 178 | Loading properties file from OSGi resource[classpath:META-INF/spring/tss.esb.owtma.fileservice.receiver.properties|bnd.id=185|bnd.sym=owtma-file-service-receiver] 10:34:02,209 | INFO | xtenderThread-79 | WaiterApplicationContextExecutor | WaiterApplicationContextExecutor 252 | No outstanding OSGi service dependencies, completing initialization for OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml) 10:34:02,318 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 414 | Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@2a4b3b: defining beans [fileFilter,fileAntFilter,fileAggregatorProcessor,fileAggregatorStrategy,hawtdbRepo,org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,camelProperties,aggregatorEndpoint,aggregatorEndpointConsumer,aggregatorEndpointProducer,senderEndpoint,senderEndpointConsumer,senderEndpointProducer,destinationEndpointProducer,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext:beanPostProcessor,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext]; root of factory hierarchy 10:34:02,318 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 983 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext: fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) is starting 10:34:02,334 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1699 | JMX enabled. Using ManagedManagementStrategy. 10:34:02,349 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | Activator | BundleTypeConverterLoader$Loader 303 | Found 1 @Converter classes to load 10:34:02,349 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | Activator | BundleTypeConverterLoader$Loader 303 | Found 1 @Converter classes to load 10:34:02,349 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | Activator | BundleTypeConverterLoader$Loader 303 | Found 13 @Converter classes to load 10:34:02,427 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 69 | Starting HawtDB using file: e:\work\hi3\hawtdb\hawtdb.dat 10:34:02,427 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile$1@164467a 10:34:02,443 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | el.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile$1 81 | Aggregation repository data store created using file: e:\work\hi3\hawtdb\hawtdb.dat 10:34:02,459 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile$1@164467a 10:34:02,459 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Size[hawtdbFileRepo] 10:34:02,459 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo -> null 10:34:02,459 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Size[hawtdbFileRepo] 10:34:02,459 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 370 | Size of repository [hawtdbFileRepo] -> 0 10:34:02,459 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Size[hawtdbFileRepo-completed] 10:34:02,459 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:02,474 | TRACE | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Size[hawtdbFileRepo-completed] 10:34:02,474 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 370 | Size of repository [hawtdbFileRepo-completed] -> 0 10:34:02,474 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 498 | On startup there are no existing aggregate exchanges (not completed) in repository: hawtdbFileRepo 10:34:02,474 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 503 | On startup there are no completed exchanges to be recovered in repository: hawtdbFileRepo-completed 10:34:02,474 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 765 | Using RecoverableAggregationRepository by scheduling recover checker to run every 5000 millis. 10:34:02,552 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 956 | Route: route23 started and consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi2/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 10:34:02,552 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 956 | Route: route24 started and consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi1/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 10:34:02,552 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 971 | Started 2 routes 10:34:02,552 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 972 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext: fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) started in 0.234 seconds 10:34:02,552 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext 327 | Publishing application context as OSGi service with properties {org.springframework.context.service.name=owtma-file-service-receiver, Bundle-SymbolicName=owtma-file-service-receiver, Bundle-Version=1.1.0} 10:34:02,552 | INFO | xtenderThread-80 | ContextLoaderListener | BundleApplicationContextListener 45 | Application context successfully refreshed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)) 10:34:03,490 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:03,490 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:03,506 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:03,506 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:08,522 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:08,522 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:08,522 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:08,522 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:13,538 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:13,538 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:13,538 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:13,538 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:18,554 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:18,554 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:18,554 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:18,554 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:23,570 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:23,570 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:23,586 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:23,586 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:28,602 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:28,602 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:28,602 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:28,602 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:33,618 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:33,618 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:33,634 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:33,634 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:38,666 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:38,666 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:38,681 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:38,681 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:40,041 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route23 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | aggregator: BEGIN date-> 2010-09-02.10:34:40.041 10:34:40,041 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 58 | FileAggregatorProcessor process() --> 10:34:40,041 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 58 | FileAggregatorProcessor process() --> 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 74 | using filename delimiter regular expression --> [_]{3} 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 74 | using filename delimiter regular expression --> [_]{3} 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 75 | Parsing filename --> soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 75 | Parsing filename --> soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[0] = soapUI-x32-3_5.exe 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[0] = soapUI-x32-3_5.exe 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[1] = 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[1] = 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[2] = 103027320 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[2] = 103027320 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[3] = 1 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[3] = 1 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[4] = 101 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 81 | tokens[4] = 101 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 94 | relativeFilePath -->soapUI\ 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 94 | relativeFilePath -->soapUI\ 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[splitsize] value=[101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[splitsize] value=[101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfileparent] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfileparent] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[splitnum] value=[1] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[splitnum] value=[1] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[begintime] value=[2010-09-02.10:34:40.041] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[begintime] value=[2010-09-02.10:34:40.041] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[parentfilelength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[parentfilelength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[parentfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[parentfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[parentid] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[parentid] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilerelativepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilerelativepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilelastmodified] value=[Fri Aug 27 13:23:27 EDT 2010] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilelastmodified] value=[Fri Aug 27 13:23:27 EDT 2010] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[begintimemillis] value=[20100902103440041] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[begintimemillis] value=[20100902103440041] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilenameonly] value=[soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilenameonly] value=[soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfileabsolute] value=[true] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfileabsolute] value=[true] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilelength] value=[1024000] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfilelength] value=[1024000] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfileabsolutepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 113 | inHeader[camelfileabsolutepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelBatchIndex] value=[0] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelBatchIndex] value=[0] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelBatchSize] value=[1] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelBatchSize] value=[1] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[splitNum] value=[1] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[splitNum] value=[1] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelFileExchangeFile] value=[GenericFile[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101]] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelFileExchangeFile] value=[GenericFile[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101]] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[parentFilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[parentFilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[parentId] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[parentId] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelBatchComplete] value=[true] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[CamelBatchComplete] value=[true] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[splitSize] value=[101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[splitSize] value=[101] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[exchangeId.original] value=[bc8de7cc-ce32-49fc-83f7-aae061d331cc] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[exchangeId.original] value=[bc8de7cc-ce32-49fc-83f7-aae061d331cc] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[parentFileLength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 119 | properties[parentFileLength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 126 | Setting aggregate processed output body -> 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregatorProcessor | receiver.FileAggregatorProcessor 126 | Setting aggregate processed output body -> 10:34:40,041 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route23 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | split file->soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101 parentId 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 size [1024000] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,041 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo -> null 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 166 | Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] -> null 10:34:40,056 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 71 | FileAggregationStrategy aggregate() --> 10:34:40,056 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 71 | FileAggregationStrategy aggregate() --> 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[splitsize] value=[101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[splitsize] value=[101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfileparent] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfileparent] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[splitnum] value=[1] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[splitnum] value=[1] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[parentfilelength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[parentfilelength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[begintime] value=[2010-09-02.10:34:40.041] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[begintime] value=[2010-09-02.10:34:40.041] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[parentfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[parentfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[parentid] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[parentid] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilerelativepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilerelativepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilelastmodified] value=[Fri Aug 27 13:23:27 EDT 2010] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilelastmodified] value=[Fri Aug 27 13:23:27 EDT 2010] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[begintimemillis] value=[20100902103440041] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[begintimemillis] value=[20100902103440041] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilenameonly] value=[soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilenameonly] value=[soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[exchangeid] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[exchangeid] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfileabsolute] value=[true] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfileabsolute] value=[true] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilelength] value=[1024000] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfilelength] value=[1024000] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfileabsolutepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 75 | inHeader[camelfileabsolutepath] value=[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelBatchIndex] value=[0] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelBatchIndex] value=[0] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelBatchSize] value=[1] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelBatchSize] value=[1] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[splitNum] value=[1] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[splitNum] value=[1] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelFileExchangeFile] value=[GenericFile[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101]] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelFileExchangeFile] value=[GenericFile[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___1___101]] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[parentFilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[parentFilename] value=[soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[parentId] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[parentId] value=[4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelBatchComplete] value=[true] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[CamelBatchComplete] value=[true] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[splitSize] value=[101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[splitSize] value=[101] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[exchangeId.original] value=[bc8de7cc-ce32-49fc-83f7-aae061d331cc] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[exchangeId.original] value=[bc8de7cc-ce32-49fc-83f7-aae061d331cc] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[parentFileLength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,056 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 80 | properties[parentFileLength] value=[103027320] 10:34:40,119 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 93 | setting newExchange splitCount=[1] 10:34:40,119 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 93 | setting newExchange splitCount=[1] 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 96 | newBytes.length=[1024000] 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 96 | newBytes.length=[1024000] 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 100 | setting up for multi-exchange aggregation 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 100 | setting up for multi-exchange aggregation 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 101 | copying newBytes to aggregatedBytes 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 101 | copying newBytes to aggregatedBytes 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 103 | setting aggregatedBytes in exchange property 10:34:40,150 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 103 | setting aggregatedBytes in exchange property 10:34:40,150 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 114 | sending new aggregation --> 10:34:40,150 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | FileAggregationStrategy | receiver.FileAggregationStrategy 114 | sending new aggregation --> 10:34:40,150 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 104 | Adding key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] -> Exchange[GenericFileMessage with body: [B@d1a2e] 10:34:40,181 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Adding key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:40,181 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 132 | Created new repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo at location 1 10:34:40,181 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo -> { page: 1, deferredEncoding: true } 10:34:40,384 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Adding key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:34:43,697 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:43,697 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:43,713 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:43,713 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:48,729 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:48,729 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:48,729 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:48,729 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:53,745 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:53,745 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:53,761 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:53,761 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:34:58,777 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:34:58,777 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:34:58,777 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:34:58,777 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:03,793 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:03,793 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:03,793 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:03,793 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:08,825 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:08,825 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:08,825 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:08,825 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:13,841 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:13,841 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:13,888 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:13,888 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:18,904 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:18,904 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:18,920 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:18,920 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:23,936 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:23,936 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:23,936 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:23,936 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:28,952 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:28,952 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:28,952 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:28,952 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:33,968 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:33,968 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:33,999 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:33,999 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:39,015 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:39,015 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:39,031 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:39,031 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:44,047 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:44,047 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:44,063 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:44,063 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:49,095 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:49,095 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:49,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:49,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:54,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:54,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:54,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:54,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:35:59,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:35:59,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:35:59,236 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:35:59,236 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:04,299 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:04,299 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:04,299 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:04,299 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:09,315 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:09,315 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:09,331 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:09,331 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:14,347 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:14,347 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:14,363 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:14,363 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:19,379 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:19,379 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:19,395 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:19,395 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:24,411 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:24,411 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:24,426 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:24,426 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:29,442 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:29,442 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:29,458 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:29,458 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:34,474 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:34,474 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:34,490 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:34,490 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:39,506 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:39,506 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:39,537 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:39,537 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:44,553 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:44,553 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:44,585 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:44,585 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:49,601 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:49,601 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:49,601 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:49,601 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:54,617 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:54,617 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:54,617 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:54,617 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:36:59,633 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:36:59,633 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:36:59,680 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:36:59,680 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:04,696 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:04,696 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:04,712 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:04,712 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:09,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:09,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:09,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:09,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:14,744 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:14,744 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:14,744 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:14,744 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:19,760 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:19,760 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:19,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:19,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:24,808 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:24,808 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:24,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:24,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:29,855 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:29,855 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:29,855 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:29,855 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:34,871 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:34,871 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:34,871 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:34,871 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:39,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:39,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:39,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:39,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:44,903 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:44,903 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:44,903 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:44,903 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:49,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:49,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:49,951 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:49,951 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:54,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:54,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:54,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:54,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:37:59,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:37:59,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:37:59,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:37:59,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:04,999 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:04,999 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:05,046 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:05,046 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:10,062 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:10,062 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:10,093 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:10,093 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:15,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:15,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:15,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:15,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:20,126 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:20,126 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:20,173 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:20,173 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:25,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:25,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:25,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:25,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:30,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:30,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:30,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:30,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:35,221 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:35,221 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:35,268 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:35,268 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:40,284 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:40,284 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:40,284 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:40,284 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:45,300 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:45,300 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:45,300 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:45,300 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:50,316 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:50,316 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:50,316 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:50,316 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:38:55,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:38:55,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:38:55,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:38:55,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:00,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:00,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:00,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:00,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:05,365 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:05,365 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:05,380 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:05,380 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:10,397 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:10,397 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:10,397 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:10,412 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:15,428 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:15,428 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:15,460 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:15,460 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:20,476 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:20,476 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:20,492 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:20,492 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:25,508 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:25,508 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:25,523 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:25,523 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:30,539 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:30,539 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:30,571 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:30,571 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:35,587 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:35,587 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:35,587 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:35,587 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:40,603 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:40,603 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:40,603 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:40,603 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:45,619 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:45,619 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:45,635 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:45,635 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:50,651 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:50,651 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:50,651 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:50,651 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:39:55,667 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:39:55,667 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:39:55,698 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:39:55,698 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:00,715 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:00,715 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:00,715 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:00,715 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:05,731 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:05,731 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:05,731 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:05,731 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:10,747 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:10,747 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:10,747 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:10,747 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:15,779 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:15,779 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:15,826 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:15,826 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:20,842 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:20,842 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:20,842 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:20,842 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:25,858 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:25,858 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:25,858 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:25,858 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:30,874 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:30,874 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:30,874 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:30,874 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:35,890 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:35,890 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:35,890 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:35,890 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:40,907 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:40,907 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:40,907 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:40,907 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:45,923 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:45,923 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:45,923 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:45,923 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:50,939 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:50,939 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:50,954 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:50,954 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:40:55,971 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:40:55,971 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:40:56,002 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:40:56,002 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:01,018 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:01,018 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:01,034 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:01,034 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:06,050 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:06,050 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:06,050 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:06,050 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:11,066 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:11,066 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:11,066 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:11,066 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:16,082 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:16,082 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:16,082 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:16,082 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:21,098 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:21,098 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:21,098 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:21,098 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:26,115 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:26,115 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:26,130 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:26,130 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:31,146 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:31,146 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:31,162 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:31,162 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:36,178 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:36,178 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:36,194 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:36,194 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:41,210 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:41,210 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:41,226 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:41,226 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:46,242 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:46,242 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:46,257 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:46,257 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:51,274 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:51,274 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:51,289 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:51,289 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:41:56,305 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:41:56,305 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:41:56,321 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:41:56,321 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:01,337 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:01,337 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:01,353 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:01,353 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:06,369 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:06,369 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:06,369 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:06,369 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:11,385 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:11,385 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:11,385 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:11,385 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:16,401 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:16,401 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:16,417 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:16,417 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:21,433 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:21,433 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:21,433 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:21,433 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:26,449 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:26,449 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:26,449 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:26,449 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:31,465 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:31,465 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:31,465 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:31,465 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:36,482 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:36,482 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:36,482 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:36,482 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:41,498 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:41,498 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:41,498 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:41,498 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:46,514 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:46,514 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:46,530 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:46,530 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:51,546 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:51,546 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:51,546 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:51,546 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:42:56,562 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:42:56,562 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:42:56,578 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:42:56,578 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:01,594 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:01,594 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:01,594 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:01,609 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:06,625 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:06,625 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:06,657 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:06,657 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:11,673 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:11,673 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:11,673 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:11,673 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:16,689 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:16,689 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:16,689 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:16,689 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:21,705 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:21,705 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:21,736 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:21,736 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:26,753 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:26,753 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:26,768 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:26,768 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:31,784 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:31,784 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:31,784 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:31,784 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:36,801 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:36,801 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:36,801 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:36,801 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:41,817 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:41,817 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:41,817 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:41,817 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:46,833 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:46,833 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:46,849 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:46,849 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:51,865 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:51,865 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:51,865 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:51,865 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:43:56,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:43:56,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:43:56,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:43:56,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:01,897 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:01,897 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:01,897 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:01,897 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:06,913 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:06,913 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:06,913 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:06,913 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:11,929 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:11,929 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:11,961 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:11,961 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:16,977 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:16,977 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:16,977 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:16,977 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:22,009 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:22,009 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:22,024 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:22,024 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:27,040 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:27,040 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:27,040 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:27,040 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:32,057 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:32,057 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:32,072 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:32,072 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:37,088 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:37,088 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:37,104 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:37,104 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:42,120 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:42,120 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:42,120 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:42,120 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:47,136 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:47,136 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:47,152 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:47,152 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:52,168 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:52,168 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:52,168 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:52,168 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:44:57,184 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:44:57,184 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:44:57,184 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:44:57,184 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:02,201 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:02,201 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:02,216 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:02,216 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:07,232 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:07,232 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:07,264 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:07,264 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:12,280 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:12,280 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:12,280 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:12,280 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:17,296 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:17,296 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:17,296 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:17,296 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:22,312 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:22,312 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:22,328 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:22,328 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:27,344 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:27,344 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:27,344 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:27,344 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:32,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:32,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:32,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:32,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:37,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:37,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:37,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:37,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:42,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:42,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:42,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:42,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:47,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:47,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:47,455 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:47,455 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:52,472 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:52,472 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:52,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:52,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:45:57,503 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:45:57,503 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:45:57,503 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:45:57,503 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:02,520 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:02,520 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:02,535 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:02,535 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:07,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:07,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:07,583 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:07,583 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:12,599 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:12,599 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:12,599 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:12,599 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:17,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:17,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:17,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:17,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:22,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:22,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:22,647 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:22,647 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:27,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:27,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:27,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:27,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:32,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:32,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:32,726 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:32,726 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:37,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:37,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:37,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:37,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:42,774 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:42,774 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:42,805 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:42,805 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:47,821 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:47,821 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:47,837 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:47,837 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:52,853 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:52,853 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:52,853 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:52,853 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:46:57,869 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:46:57,869 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:46:57,869 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:46:57,869 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:02,886 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:02,886 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:02,917 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:02,917 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:07,933 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:07,933 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:07,933 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:07,933 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:12,949 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:12,949 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:12,980 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:12,980 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:17,997 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:17,997 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:18,012 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:18,012 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:23,028 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:23,028 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:23,028 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:23,028 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:28,045 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:28,045 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:28,045 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:28,045 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:33,061 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:33,061 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:33,061 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:33,061 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:38,077 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:38,077 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:38,124 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:38,124 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:43,140 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:43,140 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:43,156 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:43,156 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:48,172 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:48,172 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:48,172 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:48,172 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:53,188 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:53,188 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:53,204 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:53,204 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:47:58,220 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:47:58,220 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:47:58,267 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:47:58,267 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:03,283 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:03,283 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:03,283 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:03,283 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:08,299 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:08,299 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:08,346 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:08,346 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:13,362 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:13,362 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:13,362 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:13,362 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:18,378 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:18,378 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:18,378 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:18,378 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:23,394 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:23,394 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:23,394 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:23,394 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:28,410 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:28,410 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:28,426 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:28,426 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:33,442 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:33,442 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:33,802 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:33,802 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:38,818 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:38,818 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:38,833 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:38,833 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:43,850 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:43,850 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:43,865 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:43,865 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:48,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:48,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:48,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:48,881 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:53,898 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:53,898 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:53,898 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:53,898 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:48:58,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:48:58,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:48:58,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:48:58,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:03,930 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:03,930 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:03,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:03,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:08,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:08,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:08,977 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:08,977 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:13,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:13,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:14,009 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:14,009 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:19,025 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:19,025 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:19,025 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:19,025 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:24,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:24,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:24,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:24,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:29,058 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:29,058 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:29,073 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:29,073 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:34,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:34,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:34,121 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:34,121 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:39,137 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:39,137 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:39,137 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:39,137 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:44,153 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:44,153 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:44,169 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:44,169 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:49,279 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:49,279 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:49,294 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:49,294 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:54,310 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:54,310 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:54,326 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:54,326 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:49:59,342 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:49:59,342 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:49:59,342 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:49:59,342 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:04,358 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:04,358 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:04,358 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:04,358 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:09,375 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:09,375 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:09,375 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:09,375 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:14,391 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:14,391 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:14,391 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:14,391 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:19,407 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:19,407 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:19,407 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:19,407 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:24,423 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:24,423 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:24,439 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:24,439 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:29,455 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:29,455 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:29,455 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:29,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:34,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:34,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:34,534 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:34,534 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:39,550 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:39,550 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:39,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:39,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:44,582 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:44,582 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:44,582 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:44,582 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:49,598 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:49,598 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:49,598 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:49,598 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:54,614 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:54,614 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:54,645 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:54,645 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:50:59,661 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:50:59,661 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:50:59,677 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:50:59,677 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:04,693 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:04,693 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:04,693 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:04,693 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:09,709 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:09,709 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:09,709 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:09,709 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:14,725 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:14,725 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:14,741 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:14,741 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:19,757 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:19,757 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:19,773 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:19,773 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:19,898 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route23 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | aggregator: BEGIN date-> 2010-09-02.10:51:19.898 10:51:19,898 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route23 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | split file->soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___2___101 parentId 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 size [1024000] 10:51:19,898 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:51:19,898 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 138 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo at location 1 10:51:19,898 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo -> { page: 1, deferredEncoding: true } 10:51:19,914 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] 10:51:19,929 | ERROR | e://e:/work/hi2/ | DefaultErrorHandler | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 248 | Failed delivery for exchangeId: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763. Exhausted after delivery attempt: 1 caught: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:162) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.doAggregation(AggregateProcessor.java:203) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.process(AggregateProcessor.java:180) at org.apache.camel.impl.converter.AsyncProcessorTypeConverter$ProcessorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process(AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.java:50) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.TraceInterceptor.process(TraceInterceptor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.processErrorHandler(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:290) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:202) at org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultChannel.process(DefaultChannel.java:256) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:143) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:78) at org.apache.camel.processor.UnitOfWorkProcessor.process(UnitOfWorkProcessor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processExchange(GenericFileConsumer.java:313) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processBatch(GenericFileConsumer.java:144) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.poll(GenericFileConsumer.java:110) at org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollConsumer.run(ScheduledPollConsumer.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:441) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRunAndReset(FutureTask.java:317) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:150) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$101(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:181) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:205) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:885) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:907) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Caused by: java.io.IOException: org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder at org.fusesource.hawtbuf.codec.ObjectCodec.decode(ObjectCodec.java:62) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBCamelCodec.unmarshallExchange(HawtDBCamelCodec.java:74) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:159) ... 40 more 10:51:19,929 | ERROR | e://e:/work/hi2/ | GenericFileOnCompletion | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 248 | Caused by: [java.lang.RuntimeException - Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:162) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.doAggregation(AggregateProcessor.java:203) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.process(AggregateProcessor.java:180) at org.apache.camel.impl.converter.AsyncProcessorTypeConverter$ProcessorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process(AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.java:50) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.TraceInterceptor.process(TraceInterceptor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.processErrorHandler(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:290) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:202) at org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultChannel.process(DefaultChannel.java:256) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:143) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:78) at org.apache.camel.processor.UnitOfWorkProcessor.process(UnitOfWorkProcessor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processExchange(GenericFileConsumer.java:313) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processBatch(GenericFileConsumer.java:144) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.poll(GenericFileConsumer.java:110) at org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollConsumer.run(ScheduledPollConsumer.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:441) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRunAndReset(FutureTask.java:317) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:150) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$101(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:181) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:205) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:885) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:907) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Caused by: java.io.IOException: org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder at org.fusesource.hawtbuf.codec.ObjectCodec.decode(ObjectCodec.java:62) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBCamelCodec.unmarshallExchange(HawtDBCamelCodec.java:74) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:159) ... 40 more 10:51:19,929 | WARN | e://e:/work/hi2/ | GenericFileOnCompletion | ent.file.GenericFileOnCompletion 138 | Rollback file strategy: org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy.GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy@e1cad5 for file: GenericFile[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___2___101] 10:51:24,789 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:24,789 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:24,820 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:24,820 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:29,836 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:29,836 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:29,852 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:29,852 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:34,868 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:34,868 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:34,884 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:34,884 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:39,900 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:39,900 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:39,916 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:39,916 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:44,932 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:44,932 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:44,947 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:44,947 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:49,964 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:49,964 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:49,979 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:49,979 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:51:54,995 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:51:54,995 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:51:54,995 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:51:54,995 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:00,012 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:00,012 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:00,043 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:00,043 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:05,059 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:05,059 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:05,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:05,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:10,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:10,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:10,138 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:10,138 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:15,154 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:15,154 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:15,170 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:15,170 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:20,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:20,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:20,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:20,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:25,202 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:25,202 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:25,217 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:25,217 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:30,234 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:30,234 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:30,265 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:30,265 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:35,281 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:35,281 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:35,312 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:35,312 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:40,329 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:40,329 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:40,344 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:40,344 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:45,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:45,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:45,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:45,360 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:50,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:50,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:50,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:50,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:52:55,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:52:55,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:52:55,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:52:55,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:00,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:00,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:00,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:00,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:05,425 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:05,425 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:05,441 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:05,441 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:10,457 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:10,457 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:10,457 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:10,457 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:15,473 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:15,473 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:15,473 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:15,473 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:20,505 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:20,505 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:20,536 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:20,536 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:25,552 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:25,552 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:25,552 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:25,552 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:30,568 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:30,568 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:30,584 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:30,584 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:35,600 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:35,600 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:35,600 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:35,600 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:40,616 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:40,616 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:40,632 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:40,632 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:45,648 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:45,648 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:45,648 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:45,648 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:50,664 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:50,664 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:50,680 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:50,680 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:53:55,696 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:53:55,696 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:53:55,696 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:53:55,696 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:00,712 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:00,712 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:00,712 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:00,712 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:05,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:05,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:05,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:05,728 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:10,745 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:10,745 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:10,776 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:10,776 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:15,792 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:15,792 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:15,808 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:15,808 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:20,824 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:20,824 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:20,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:20,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:25,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:25,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:25,871 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:25,871 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:30,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:30,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:30,903 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:30,903 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:35,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:35,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:35,935 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:35,935 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:40,951 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:40,951 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:40,951 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:40,951 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:45,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:45,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:45,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:45,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:50,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:50,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:50,999 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:50,999 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:54:56,015 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:54:56,015 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:54:56,062 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:54:56,062 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:01,078 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:01,078 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:01,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:01,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:06,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:06,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:06,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:06,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:11,126 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:11,126 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:11,173 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:11,173 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:16,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:16,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:16,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:16,189 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:21,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:21,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:21,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:21,205 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:26,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:26,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:26,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:26,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:31,253 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:31,253 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:31,269 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:31,269 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:36,285 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:36,285 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:36,301 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:36,301 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:41,317 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:41,317 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:41,317 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:41,317 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:46,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:46,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:46,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:46,333 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:51,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:51,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:51,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:51,349 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:55:56,365 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:55:56,365 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:55:56,365 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:55:56,365 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:01,382 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:01,382 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:01,382 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:01,382 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:06,398 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:06,398 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:06,398 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:06,398 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:11,414 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:11,414 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:11,414 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:11,414 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:16,430 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:16,430 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:16,430 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:16,430 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:21,446 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:21,446 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:21,446 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:21,446 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:26,462 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:26,462 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:26,462 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:26,462 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:31,479 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:31,479 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:31,494 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:31,494 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:36,510 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:36,510 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:36,510 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:36,510 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:41,527 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:41,527 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:41,527 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:41,527 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:46,543 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:46,543 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:46,558 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:46,558 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:51,575 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:51,575 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:51,590 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:51,590 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:56:56,606 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:56:56,606 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:56:56,606 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:56:56,606 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:01,623 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:01,623 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:01,638 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:01,638 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:06,654 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:06,654 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:06,654 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:06,654 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:11,671 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:11,671 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:11,671 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:11,671 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:16,687 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:16,687 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:16,687 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:16,687 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:21,703 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:21,703 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:21,719 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:21,719 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:26,735 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:26,735 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:26,735 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:26,750 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:31,766 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:31,766 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:31,782 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:31,782 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:36,798 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:36,798 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:36,814 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:36,814 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:41,830 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:41,830 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:41,830 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:41,830 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:46,846 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:46,846 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:46,862 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:46,862 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:51,878 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:51,878 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:51,878 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:51,878 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:57:56,894 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:57:56,894 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:57:56,894 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:57:56,894 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:01,910 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:01,910 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:01,926 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:01,926 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:06,942 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:06,942 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:06,942 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:06,942 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:11,958 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:11,958 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:11,958 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:11,958 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:16,975 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:16,975 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:16,990 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:16,990 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:22,006 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:22,006 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:22,006 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:22,006 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:27,022 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:27,022 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:27,038 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:27,038 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:32,054 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:32,054 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:32,054 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:32,054 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:37,070 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:37,070 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:37,070 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:37,070 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:42,087 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:42,087 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:42,087 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:42,087 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:47,103 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:47,103 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:47,118 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:47,118 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:52,135 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:52,135 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:52,150 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:52,150 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:58:57,166 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:58:57,166 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:58:57,198 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:58:57,198 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:02,214 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:02,214 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:02,245 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:02,245 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:07,261 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:07,261 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:07,277 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:07,277 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:12,293 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:12,293 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:12,293 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:12,293 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:17,309 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:17,309 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:17,309 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:17,309 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:22,325 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:22,325 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:22,341 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:22,341 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:27,357 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:27,357 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:27,357 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:27,357 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:32,373 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:32,373 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:32,373 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:32,373 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:37,390 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:37,390 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:37,405 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:37,405 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:42,421 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:42,421 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:42,421 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:42,421 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:47,437 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:47,437 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:47,437 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:47,437 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:52,454 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:52,454 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:52,469 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:52,469 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 10:59:57,485 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 10:59:57,485 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 10:59:57,501 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 10:59:57,501 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:02,517 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:02,517 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:02,517 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:02,517 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:07,533 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:07,533 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:07,580 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:07,580 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:12,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:12,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:12,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:12,596 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:17,613 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:17,613 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:17,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:17,628 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:22,644 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:22,644 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:22,660 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:22,660 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:27,676 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:27,676 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:27,676 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:27,676 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:32,692 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:32,692 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:32,708 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:32,708 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:37,724 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:37,724 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:37,740 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:37,740 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:42,756 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:42,756 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:42,772 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:42,772 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:47,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:47,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:47,819 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:47,819 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:52,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:52,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:52,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:52,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:00:57,867 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:00:57,867 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:00:57,883 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:00:57,883 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:02,899 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:02,899 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:02,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:02,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:07,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:07,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:08,024 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:08,024 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:13,041 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:13,041 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:13,056 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:13,056 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:18,072 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:18,072 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:18,072 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:18,072 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:23,089 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:23,089 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:23,089 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:23,089 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:28,105 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:28,105 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:28,120 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:28,120 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:33,136 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:33,136 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:33,152 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:33,152 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:38,168 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:38,168 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:38,215 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:38,215 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:43,231 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:43,231 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:43,247 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:43,247 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:48,263 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:48,263 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:48,294 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:48,294 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:53,311 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:53,311 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:53,311 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:53,311 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:01:58,327 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:01:58,327 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:01:58,342 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:01:58,342 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:03,359 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:03,359 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:03,390 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:03,390 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:08,406 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:08,406 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:08,406 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:08,406 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:13,422 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:13,422 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:13,422 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:13,422 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:18,438 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:18,438 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:18,438 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:18,438 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:23,454 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:23,454 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:23,454 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:23,454 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:28,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:28,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:28,502 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:28,502 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:33,518 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:33,518 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:33,518 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:33,518 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:38,550 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:38,550 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:38,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:38,565 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:43,582 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:43,582 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:43,597 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:43,597 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:48,613 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:48,613 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:48,629 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:48,629 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:53,645 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:53,645 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:53,645 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:53,645 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:02:58,661 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:02:58,661 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:02:58,661 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:02:58,661 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:03,678 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:03,678 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:03,724 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:03,724 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:08,741 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:08,741 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:08,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:08,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:13,804 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:13,804 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:13,819 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:13,819 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:18,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:18,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:18,898 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:18,898 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:23,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:23,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:23,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:23,914 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:28,930 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:28,930 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:28,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:28,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:33,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:33,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:33,978 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:33,978 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:38,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:38,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:38,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:38,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:44,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:44,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:44,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:44,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:49,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:49,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:49,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:49,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:54,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:54,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:54,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:54,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:03:59,059 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:03:59,059 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:03:59,074 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:03:59,074 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:04,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:04,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:04,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:04,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:09,107 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:09,107 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:09,122 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:09,122 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:14,138 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:14,138 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:14,170 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:14,170 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:19,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:19,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:19,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:19,186 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:24,202 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:24,202 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:24,218 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:24,218 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:29,234 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:29,234 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:29,249 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:29,249 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:34,266 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:34,266 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:34,281 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:34,281 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:39,297 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:39,297 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:39,313 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:39,313 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:44,329 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:44,329 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:44,329 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:44,329 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:47,955 | DEBUG | guration Updater | configadmin | ? ? | Scheduling task Fire ConfigurationEvent: pid=org.ops4j.pax.logging 11:04:47,955 | DEBUG | guration Updater | configadmin | ? ? | Running task Fire ConfigurationEvent: pid=org.ops4j.pax.logging 11:04:49,345 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 105 | Executing work +++ start +++ Scan 11:04:49,345 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 144 | Repository index with name hawtdbFileRepo-completed -> null 11:04:49,361 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBFile | amel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile 112 | Executing work +++ done +++ Scan 11:04:49,361 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:53,002 | DEBUG | 0-fuse-02-00/etc | configadmin | ? ? | Scheduling task Update: pid=org.ops4j.pax.logging 11:04:53,002 | DEBUG | guration Updater | configadmin | ? ? | Running task Update: pid=org.ops4j.pax.logging 11:04:54,377 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:04:54,377 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:04:54,377 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:54,377 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:54,377 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:04:54,377 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:04:59,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:04:59,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:04:59,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:59,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:04:59,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:04:59,393 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:04,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:04,409 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:04,425 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:04,425 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:04,425 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:04,425 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:08,582 | INFO | Timer-1 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext 365 | Application Context service already unpublished 11:05:08,582 | INFO | Timer-1 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | pport.AbstractApplicationContext 815 | Closing org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext@490dd0: display name [OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)]; startup date [Thu Sep 02 10:34:02 EDT 2010]; root of context hierarchy 11:05:08,582 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | ort.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry 421 | Destroying singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@2a4b3b: defining beans [fileFilter,fileAntFilter,fileAggregatorProcessor,fileAggregatorStrategy,hawtdbRepo,org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,camelProperties,aggregatorEndpoint,aggregatorEndpointConsumer,aggregatorEndpointProducer,senderEndpoint,senderEndpointConsumer,senderEndpointProducer,destinationEndpointProducer,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext:beanPostProcessor,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext]; root of factory hierarchy 11:05:08,582 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1086 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext:fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) is shutting down 11:05:08,582 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultShutdownStrategy | mel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy 96 | Starting to graceful shutdown 2 routes (timeout 300 seconds) 11:05:08,582 | INFO | 0 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 362 | Route: route24 suspended and shutdown deferred, was consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi1/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 11:05:08,582 | INFO | 0 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 362 | Route: route23 suspended and shutdown deferred, was consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi2/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 11:05:08,582 | INFO | 0 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 414 | Route: route24 shutdown complete. 11:05:08,582 | INFO | 0 - ShutdownTask | DefaultShutdownStrategy | ultShutdownStrategy$ShutdownTask 414 | Route: route23 shutdown complete. 11:05:08,582 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultShutdownStrategy | mel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy 128 | Graceful shutdown of 2 routes completed in 0 seconds 11:05:08,613 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultInflightRepository | l.impl.DefaultInflightRepository 93 | Shutting down with no inflight exchanges. 11:05:08,613 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1134 | Uptime: 31 minutes 11:05:08,613 | INFO | Timer-1 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1135 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext: fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) is shutdown in 0.031 seconds 11:05:08,613 | INFO | Timer-1 | ContextLoaderListener | BundleApplicationContextListener 60 | Application context succesfully closed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)) 11:05:29,428 | INFO | l Console Thread | ultOsgiApplicationContextCreator | ultOsgiApplicationContextCreator 67 | Discovered configurations {osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml} in bundle [owtma-file-service-receiver (owtma-file-service-receiver)] 11:05:29,428 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | pport.AbstractApplicationContext 411 | Refreshing org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext@7b92f: display name [OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)]; startup date [Thu Sep 02 11:05:29 EDT 2010]; root of context hierarchy 11:05:29,428 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext 359 | Unpublishing application context OSGi service for bundle owtma-file-service-receiver (owtma-file-service-receiver) 11:05:29,428 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | tory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 323 | Loading XML bean definitions from URL [bundleentry://185.fwk25337455/META-INF/spring/beans.xml] 11:05:29,428 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | tory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 323 | Loading XML bean definitions from URL [bundleentry://185.fwk25337455/META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'aggregatorEndpoint': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'aggregatorEndpointConsumer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'aggregatorEndpointProducer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'senderEndpoint': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'senderEndpointConsumer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'senderEndpointProducer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 467 | Overriding bean definition for bean 'destinationEndpointProducer': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Generic bean: class [org.apache.camel.spring.CamelEndpointFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | pport.AbstractApplicationContext 426 | Bean factory for application context [org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext@7b92f]: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@305106 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer | .support.PropertiesLoaderSupport 178 | Loading properties file from OSGi resource[classpath:META-INF/spring/tss.esb.owtma.fileservice.receiver.properties|bnd.id=185|bnd.sym=owtma-file-service-receiver] 11:05:29,459 | INFO | xtenderThread-81 | WaiterApplicationContextExecutor | WaiterApplicationContextExecutor 252 | No outstanding OSGi service dependencies, completing initialization for OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml) 11:05:29,615 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | pport.DefaultListableBeanFactory 414 | Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@305106: defining beans [fileFilter,fileAntFilter,fileAggregatorProcessor,fileAggregatorStrategy,hawtdbRepo,org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,camelProperties,aggregatorEndpoint,aggregatorEndpointConsumer,aggregatorEndpointProducer,senderEndpoint,senderEndpointConsumer,senderEndpointProducer,destinationEndpointProducer,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext:beanPostProcessor,fileServiceReceiverCamelContext]; root of factory hierarchy 11:05:29,615 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 983 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext: fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) is starting 11:05:29,615 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 1699 | JMX enabled. Using ManagedManagementStrategy. 11:05:29,631 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | Activator | BundleTypeConverterLoader$Loader 303 | Found 1 @Converter classes to load 11:05:29,631 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | Activator | BundleTypeConverterLoader$Loader 303 | Found 1 @Converter classes to load 11:05:29,647 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | Activator | BundleTypeConverterLoader$Loader 303 | Found 13 @Converter classes to load 11:05:29,693 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBFile | el.component.hawtdb.HawtDBFile$1 81 | Aggregation repository data store created using file: e:\work\hi3\hawtdb\hawtdb.dat 11:05:29,725 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 370 | Size of repository [hawtdbFileRepo] -> 0 11:05:29,725 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 370 | Size of repository [hawtdbFileRepo] -> 0 11:05:29,725 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 370 | Size of repository [hawtdbFileRepo-completed] -> 0 11:05:29,725 | DEBUG | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 370 | Size of repository [hawtdbFileRepo-completed] -> 0 11:05:29,725 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 498 | On startup there are no existing aggregate exchanges (not completed) in repository: hawtdbFileRepo 11:05:29,725 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 498 | On startup there are no existing aggregate exchanges (not completed) in repository: hawtdbFileRepo 11:05:29,725 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 503 | On startup there are no completed exchanges to be recovered in repository: hawtdbFileRepo-completed 11:05:29,725 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 503 | On startup there are no completed exchanges to be recovered in repository: hawtdbFileRepo-completed 11:05:29,740 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 765 | Using RecoverableAggregationRepository by scheduling recover checker to run every 5000 millis. 11:05:29,740 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 765 | Using RecoverableAggregationRepository by scheduling recover checker to run every 5000 millis. 11:05:29,772 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 956 | Route: route25 started and consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi2/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 11:05:29,772 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 956 | Route: route26 started and consuming from: Endpoint[file://e:/work/hi1/?delete=false&moveFailed=.failed%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMM%7D%2F%24%7Bdate%3Anow%3AyyyyMMdd%7D%2F%24%7Bfile%3Aname%7D&readLock=rename&recursive=true] 11:05:29,772 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 971 | Started 2 routes 11:05:29,772 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | DefaultCamelContext | e.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext 972 | Apache Camel 2.4.0 (CamelContext: fileServiceReceiverCamelContext) started in 0.157 seconds 11:05:29,772 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext 327 | Publishing application context as OSGi service with properties {org.springframework.context.service.name=owtma-file-service-receiver, Bundle-SymbolicName=owtma-file-service-receiver, Bundle-Version=1.1.0} 11:05:29,772 | INFO | xtenderThread-82 | ContextLoaderListener | BundleApplicationContextListener 45 | Application context successfully refreshed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=owtma-file-service-receiver, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)) 11:05:30,756 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:30,756 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:30,772 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:30,772 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:30,772 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:30,772 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:35,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:35,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:35,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:35,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:35,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:35,788 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:40,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:40,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:40,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:40,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:40,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:40,835 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:45,805 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route25 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | aggregator: BEGIN date-> 2010-09-02.11:05:45.805 11:05:45,805 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route25 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | split file->soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___2___101 parentId 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 size [1024000] 11:05:45,805 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 199 | onAggregation +++ start +++ with correlation key: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:05:45,805 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 199 | onAggregation +++ start +++ with correlation key: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:05:45,820 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 166 | Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] -> null 11:05:45,820 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 166 | Getting key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] -> null 11:05:45,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:45,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:45,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:45,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:45,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:45,851 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:45,914 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 240 | In progress aggregated exchange: Exchange[GenericFileMessage with body: [B@13712f5] with correlation key:4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:05:45,914 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 240 | In progress aggregated exchange: Exchange[GenericFileMessage with body: [B@13712f5] with correlation key:4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:05:45,914 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 104 | Adding key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] -> Exchange[GenericFileMessage with body: [B@13712f5] 11:05:45,914 | DEBUG | e://e:/work/hi2/ | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 104 | Adding key [4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763] -> Exchange[GenericFileMessage with body: [B@13712f5] 11:05:46,101 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 264 | onAggregation +++ end +++ with correlation key: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:05:46,101 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 264 | onAggregation +++ end +++ with correlation key: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:05:50,868 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:50,868 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:50,915 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:50,915 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:50,915 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:50,915 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:55,931 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:55,931 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:05:55,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:55,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:05:55,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:05:55,946 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:00,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:00,962 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:00,978 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:00,978 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:00,978 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:00,978 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:05,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:05,994 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:06,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:06,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:06,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:06,010 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:11,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:11,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:11,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:11,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:11,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:11,026 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:16,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:16,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:16,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:16,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:16,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:16,042 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:21,058 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:21,058 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:21,074 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:21,074 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:21,074 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:21,074 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:26,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:26,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:26,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:26,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:26,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:26,090 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:31,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:31,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:31,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:31,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:31,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:31,106 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:36,123 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:36,123 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:36,123 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:36,123 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:36,123 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:36,123 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:41,139 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:41,139 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:41,154 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:41,154 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:41,154 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:41,154 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:46,171 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:46,171 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:46,171 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:46,171 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:46,171 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:46,171 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:51,187 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:51,187 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:51,187 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:51,187 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:51,187 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:51,187 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:56,203 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:56,203 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:06:56,203 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:56,203 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:06:56,203 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:06:56,203 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:01,219 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:01,219 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:01,219 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:01,219 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:01,219 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:01,219 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:06,235 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:06,235 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:06,251 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:06,251 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:06,251 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:06,251 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:11,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:11,376 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:11,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:11,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:11,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:11,392 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:16,408 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:16,408 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:16,408 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:16,408 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:16,408 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:16,408 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:20,456 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route25 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | aggregator: BEGIN date-> 2010-09-02.11:07:20.456 11:07:20,456 | INFO | e://e:/work/hi2/ | route25 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 212 | split file->soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___3___101 parentId 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 size [1024000] 11:07:20,456 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 199 | onAggregation +++ start +++ with correlation key: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:07:20,456 | TRACE | e://e:/work/hi2/ | AggregateProcessor | sor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor 199 | onAggregation +++ start +++ with correlation key: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 11:07:20,471 | ERROR | e://e:/work/hi2/ | DefaultErrorHandler | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 248 | Failed delivery for exchangeId: 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763. Exhausted after delivery attempt: 1 caught: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:162) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.doAggregation(AggregateProcessor.java:203) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.process(AggregateProcessor.java:180) at org.apache.camel.impl.converter.AsyncProcessorTypeConverter$ProcessorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process(AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.java:50) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.TraceInterceptor.process(TraceInterceptor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.processErrorHandler(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:290) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:202) at org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultChannel.process(DefaultChannel.java:256) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:143) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:78) at org.apache.camel.processor.UnitOfWorkProcessor.process(UnitOfWorkProcessor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processExchange(GenericFileConsumer.java:313) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processBatch(GenericFileConsumer.java:144) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.poll(GenericFileConsumer.java:110) at org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollConsumer.run(ScheduledPollConsumer.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:441) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRunAndReset(FutureTask.java:317) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:150) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$101(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:181) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:205) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:885) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:907) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Caused by: java.io.IOException: org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder at org.fusesource.hawtbuf.codec.ObjectCodec.decode(ObjectCodec.java:62) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBCamelCodec.unmarshallExchange(HawtDBCamelCodec.java:74) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:159) ... 40 more 11:07:20,471 | ERROR | e://e:/work/hi2/ | GenericFileOnCompletion | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger 248 | Caused by: [java.lang.RuntimeException - Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting key 4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763 from repository hawtdbFileRepo at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:162) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.doAggregation(AggregateProcessor.java:203) at org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor.process(AggregateProcessor.java:180) at org.apache.camel.impl.converter.AsyncProcessorTypeConverter$ProcessorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process(AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.java:50) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.TraceInterceptor.process(TraceInterceptor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.processErrorHandler(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:290) at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process(RedeliveryErrorHandler.java:202) at org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultChannel.process(DefaultChannel.java:256) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:143) at org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process(Pipeline.java:78) at org.apache.camel.processor.UnitOfWorkProcessor.process(UnitOfWorkProcessor.java:99) at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessorHelper.java:70) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:98) at org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(DelegateAsyncProcessor.java:89) at org.apache.camel.management.InstrumentationProcessor.process(InstrumentationProcessor.java:68) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processExchange(GenericFileConsumer.java:313) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.processBatch(GenericFileConsumer.java:144) at org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileConsumer.poll(GenericFileConsumer.java:110) at org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollConsumer.run(ScheduledPollConsumer.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:441) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRunAndReset(FutureTask.java:317) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:150) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$101(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:98) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:181) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:205) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:885) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:907) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Caused by: java.io.IOException: org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder at org.fusesource.hawtbuf.codec.ObjectCodec.decode(ObjectCodec.java:62) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBCamelCodec.unmarshallExchange(HawtDBCamelCodec.java:74) at org.apache.camel.component.hawtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository.get(HawtDBAggregationRepository.java:159) ... 40 more 11:07:20,471 | WARN | e://e:/work/hi2/ | GenericFileOnCompletion | ent.file.GenericFileOnCompletion 138 | Rollback file strategy: org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy.GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy@b94bd for file: GenericFile[e:\work\hi2\soapUI\soapUI-x32-3_5.exe___4007d562-6baa-4067-a4d6-c6b9547d5763___103027320___3___101] 11:07:21,424 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:21,424 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:21,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:21,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:21,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:21,471 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:26,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:26,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:26,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:26,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:26,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:26,487 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:31,519 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:31,519 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:31,535 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:31,535 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:31,535 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:31,535 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:36,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:36,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:36,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:36,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:36,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:36,551 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:41,567 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:41,567 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:41,583 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:41,583 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:41,583 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:41,583 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:46,599 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:46,599 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:46,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:46,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:46,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:46,615 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:51,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:51,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:51,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:51,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:51,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:51,631 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:56,647 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:56,647 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:07:56,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:56,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:07:56,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:07:56,663 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:01,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:01,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:01,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:01,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:01,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:01,679 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:06,695 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:06,695 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:06,711 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:06,711 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:06,711 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:06,711 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:11,727 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:11,727 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:11,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:11,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:11,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:11,742 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:16,759 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:16,759 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:16,759 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:16,759 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:16,759 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:16,759 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:21,775 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:21,775 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:21,775 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:21,775 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:21,775 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:21,775 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:26,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:26,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:26,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:26,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:26,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:26,791 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:31,807 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:31,807 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:31,807 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:31,807 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:31,807 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:31,807 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:36,823 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:36,823 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:36,823 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:36,823 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:36,823 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:36,823 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:41,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:41,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:41,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:41,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:41,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:41,839 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:46,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:46,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:46,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:46,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:46,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:46,856 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:51,872 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:51,872 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:51,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:51,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:51,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:51,887 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:56,904 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:56,904 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:08:56,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:56,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:08:56,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:08:56,919 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:01,935 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:01,935 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:01,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:01,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:01,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:01,967 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:06,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:06,983 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:06,998 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:06,998 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:06,998 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:06,998 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:12,015 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:12,015 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:12,030 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:12,030 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:12,030 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:12,030 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:17,046 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:17,046 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:17,078 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:17,078 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:17,078 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:17,078 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:22,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:22,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:22,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:22,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:22,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:22,094 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:27,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:27,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:27,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:27,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:27,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:27,110 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:32,126 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:32,126 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:32,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:32,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:32,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:32,142 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:37,158 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:37,158 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:37,174 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:37,174 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:37,174 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:37,174 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:42,190 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:42,190 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:42,190 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:42,190 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:42,190 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:42,190 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:47,206 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:47,206 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:47,206 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:47,206 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:47,206 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:47,206 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:52,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:52,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:52,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:52,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:52,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:52,222 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:57,238 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:57,238 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 653 | Starting recover check 11:09:57,238 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:57,238 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | HawtDBAggregationRepository | wtdb.HawtDBAggregationRepository 315 | Scanned and found no exchange to recover. 11:09:57,238 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete 11:09:57,238 | TRACE | teRecoverChecker | AggregateProcessor | e.AggregateProcessor$RecoverTask 728 | Recover check complete