@echo off REM JBoss, the OpenSource webOS REM REM Distributable under LGPL license. REM See terms of license at gnu.org. REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 Service Script for Windows REM It has to reside in one of: REM %JBOSS_HOME%\bin REM %JBOSS_HOME%\modules\native\sbin\ REM %JBOSS_HOME%\modules\system\layers\base\native\sbin\ REM REM v6 2013-08-21 added /name /desc REM added /serviceuser /servicepass REM extended directory checking for versions and locations REM extended checking on option usage REM v5 2013-06-10 adapted for EAP 6.1.0 REM v4 2012-10-03 Small changes to properly handles spaces in LogPath, StartPath, REM and StopPath (George Rypysc) REM v3 2012-09-14 fixed service log path REM cmd line options for controller,domain host, loglevel, REM username,password REM v2 2012-09-05 NOPAUSE support REM v1 2012-08-20 initial edit REM REM Author: Tom Fonteyne (unless noted above) REM ======================================================== setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion set "DIRNAME=%~dp0%" if exist "%DIRNAME%..\jboss-modules.jar" ( REM we are in JBOSS_HOME/bin set "WE=%DIRNAME%..\" ) else if exist "%DIRNAME%..\..\..\jboss-modules.jar" ( REM we are in sbin in a 6.0.x installation set "WE=%DIRNAME%..\..\..\" ) else ( REM we should be in sbin in 6.1 and up set "WE=%DIRNAME%..\..\..\..\..\..\" ) pushd "%WE%" set "RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME=%CD%" popd set WE= set DIRNAME= if "x%JBOSS_HOME%" == "x" ( set "JBOSS_HOME=%RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME%" ) pushd "%JBOSS_HOME%" set "SANITIZED_JBOSS_HOME=%CD%" popd rem debug rem echo "SANITIZED_JBOSS_HOME=%SANITIZED_JBOSS_HOME%" rem echo "RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME=%RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME%" rem echo "JBOSS_HOME=%JBOSS_HOME%" if "%RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME%" NEQ "%SANITIZED_JBOSS_HOME%" ( echo WARNING JBOSS_HOME may be pointing to a different installation - unpredictable results may occur. goto cmdEnd ) rem Find jboss-modules.jar to check JBOSS_HOME if not exist "%JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-modules.jar" ( echo Could not locate "%JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-modules.jar". goto cmdEnd ) set PRUNSRV= if exist "%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\native\sbin\prunsrv.exe" ( rem EAP 6.0.0 and 6.0.1 set PRUNSRV="%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\native\sbin\prunsrv.exe" ) else if exist "%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\system\layers\base\native\sbin\prunsrv.exe" ( rem EAP 6.1.0 (and up) set PRUNSRV="%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\system\layers\base\native\sbin\prunsrv.exe" ) else ( REM could happen if the user copied the batch file manually echo Native package not installed goto cmdEnd ) echo( rem echo PRUNSRV=%PRUNSRV% rem defaults set SHORTNAME=JBossEAP6 set DISPLAYNAME=JBossEAP6 set DESCRIPTION="JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6" set CONTROLLER=localhost:19999 set DC_HOST=master set IS_DOMAIN=false set LOGLEVEL=Debug set JBOSSUSER= set JBOSSPASS= set SERVICE_USER= set SERVICE_PASS= set COMMAND=%1 shift if /I "%COMMAND%" == "install" goto cmdInstall if /I "%COMMAND%" == "uninstall" goto cmdUninstall if /I "%COMMAND%" == "start" goto cmdStart if /I "%COMMAND%" == "stop" goto cmdStop if /I "%COMMAND%" == "restart" goto cmdRestart echo ERROR: invalid command :cmdUsage echo Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 Service Script for Windows echo Usage: echo( echo service install ^ , where the options are: echo( echo /controller ^ : The host:port of the management interface echo default: %CONTROLLER% echo /host [^] : Indicates that domain mode is to be used with an optional domain controller name echo default: %DC_HOST% echo Not specifying /host will install JBoss in standalone mode echo /loglevel ^ : The log level for the service: Error, Info, Warn or Debug ^(Case insensitive^) echo default: %LOGLEVEL% echo( echo /name ^ : The name of the service - should not contain spaces echo default: %SHORTNAME% echo /desc ^ : The description of the service, use double quotes to allow spaces echo default: %DESCRIPTION% echo /serviceuser ^ : Specifies the name of the account under which the service should run. echo Use an account name in the form DomainName\UserName echo default: not used, the service runs as Local System Account. echo /servicepass ^ : password for /serviceuser echo( echo /jbossuser ^ : jboss username to use for the shutdown command echo /jbosspass ^ : password for /jbossuser echo( echo Other commands: echo( echo service uninstall [/name ^] echo service start [/name ^] echo service stop [/name ^] echo service restart [/name ^] echo( echo /name ^ : The name of the service - should not contain spaces echo default: %SHORTNAME% echo( echo( goto endBatch :cmdInstall :LoopArgs if "%~1" == "" goto doInstall if /I "%~1"== "/controller" ( set CONTROLLER= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set CONTROLLER="%~2" ) ) if "!CONTROLLER!" == "" ( echo ERROR: The management interface should be specified in the format host:port, example: goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/name" ( set SHORTNAME= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set SHORTNAME="%~2" set DISPLAYNAME="%~2" ) ) if "!SHORTNAME!" == "" ( echo ERROR: You need to specify a service name goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/desc" ( set DESCRIPTION= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set DESCRIPTION="%~2" ) ) if "!DESCRIPTION!" == "" ( echo ERROR: You need to specify a description goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/jbossuser" ( set JBOSSUSER= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set JBOSSUSER="%~2" ) ) if "!JBOSSUSER!" == "" ( echo ERROR: You need to specify a username goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/jbosspass" ( set JBOSSPASS= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set JBOSSPASS="%~2" ) ) if "!JBOSSPASS!" == "" ( echo ERROR: You need to specify a password for /jbosspass goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/serviceuser" ( set SERVICE_USER= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set SERVICE_USER="%~2" ) ) if "!SERVICE_USER!" == "" ( echo ERROR: You need to specify a username in the format DOMAIN\USER, or .\USER for the local domain goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/servicepass" ( set SERVICE_PASS= if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set SERVICE_PASS="%~2" ) ) if "!SERVICE_PASS!" == "" ( echo ERROR: You need to specify a password for /servicepass goto endBatch ) shift shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/host" ( set IS_DOMAIN=true if not "%~2"=="" ( set T="%~2" if not "!T:~0,1!"=="/" ( set DC_HOST="%~2" shift ) ) shift goto LoopArgs ) if /I "%~1"== "/loglevel" ( if /I not "%~2"=="Error" if /I not "%~2"=="Info" if /I not "%~2"=="Warn" if /I not "%~2"=="Debug" ( echo ERROR: /loglevel must be set to Error, Info, Warn or Debug ^(Case insensitive^) goto endBatch ) set LOGLEVEL="%~2" shift shift goto LoopArgs ) echo ERROR: Unrecognised option: %1 echo( goto cmdUsage :doInstall set CREDENTIALS= if not "%JBOSSUSER%" == "" ( if "%JBOSSPASS%" == "" ( echo When specifying a user, you need to specify the password goto endBatch ) set CREDENTIALS=--user=%JBOSSUSER% --password=%JBOSSPASS% ) set RUNAS= if not "%SERVICE_USER%" == "" ( if "%SERVICE_PASS%" == "" ( echo When specifying a user, you need to specify the password goto endBatch ) set RUNAS=--ServiceUser %SERVICE_USER% --ServicePassword %SERVICE_PASS% ) if /I "%IS_DOMAIN%" == "true" ( set STARTPARAM="/c \"set NOPAUSE=Y ^^^&^^^& domain.bat\"" set STOPPARAM="/c jboss-cli.bat --controller=%CONTROLLER% --connect --command=/host=!DC_HOST!:shutdown" set LOGPATH=%JBOSS_HOME%\domain\log ) else ( set STARTPARAM="/c \"set NOPAUSE=Y ^^^&^^^& standalone.bat\"" set STOPPARAM="/c \"set NOPAUSE=Y ^^^&^^^& jboss-cli.bat --controller=%CONTROLLER% --connect --command=:shutdown"" set LOGPATH=%JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\log ) echo( rem echo SHORTNAME=%SHORTNAME% rem echo DESCRIPTION=%DESCRIPTION% rem echo STARTPARAM=%STARTPARAM% rem echo STOPPARAM=%STOPPARAM% rem echo LOGLEVEL=%LOGLEVEL% rem echo CREDENTIALS=%CREDENTIALS% rem echo on %PRUNSRV% install %SHORTNAME% %RUNAS% --DisplayName=%DISPLAYNAME% --Description %DESCRIPTION% --LogLevel=%LOGLEVEL% --LogPath="%LOGPATH%" --LogPrefix=service --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=exe --StartImage=cmd.exe --StartPath="%JBOSS_HOME%\bin" ++StartParams=%STARTPARAM% --StopMode=exe --StopImage=cmd.exe --StopPath="%JBOSS_HOME%\bin" ++StopParams=%STOPPARAM% rem @echo off goto cmdEnd REM the other commands take a /name parameter - if there is no ^ passed as second parameter, REM we silently ignore this and use the default SHORTNAME :cmdUninstall if /I "%~1"=="/name" ( if not "%~2"=="" ( set SHORTNAME="%~2" ) ) %PRUNSRV% stop %SHORTNAME% if "%errorlevel%" == "0" ( %PRUNSRV% delete %SHORTNAME% ) else ( echo Unable to stop the service ) goto cmdEnd :cmdStart if /I "%~1"=="/name" ( if not "%~2"=="" ( set SHORTNAME="%~2" ) ) %PRUNSRV% start %SHORTNAME% goto cmdEnd :cmdStop if /I "%~1"=="/name" ( if not "%~2"=="" ( set SHORTNAME="%~2" ) ) %PRUNSRV% stop %SHORTNAME% goto cmdEnd :cmdRestart if /I "%~1"=="/name" ( if not "%~2"=="" ( set SHORTNAME="%~2" ) ) %PRUNSRV% stop %SHORTNAME% if "%errorlevel%" == "0" ( %PRUNSRV% start %SHORTNAME% ) else ( echo Unable to stop the service ) goto cmdEnd :cmdEnd REM if there is a need to add other error messages, make sure to list higher numbers first ! if errorlevel 8 ( echo ERROR: The service %SHORTNAME% already exists goto endBatch ) if errorlevel 2 ( echo ERROR: Failed to load service configuration goto endBatch ) if errorlevel 0 ( goto endBatch ) echo "Unforseen error=%errorlevel%" rem nothing below, exit :endBatch