1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 14, 2007 9:12 PM by ron_sigal

    MulticastDetector could not be loaded because the NetworkReg


      I'm using JBoss remoting version 2.2.0.GA, currently winxp platfrom, target to deploy on AIX. I'm currently developing an application command line that should support failover between two instances on separate machines thats why I need detection feature supported by JBoss remoting. So, I think the best way for the application is to have it implementing server & client detector, so it can send and recieve NetowrkNotification.

      I'm using socket multicast detector, but when I'm setting up the detector, I'm recieving two line warning when executing start method

      MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
      MulticastDetector detector = new MulticastDetector();
      server.registerMBean(detector, new ObjectName("remoting:type=MulticastDetector"));

      The warning is:
      Detector: org.jboss.remoting.detection.multicast.MulticastDetector could not be loaded because the NetworkRegistry is not registered
      This means that only the broadcasting of detection messages will be functional and will not be able to discover other servers.

      I'm still begineer in JBoss remoting and using sample code just to achive my goal of detection. Can you please help or even suggest better way of achieving this goal.

        • 1. Re: MulticastDetector could not be loaded because the Networ

          In the Remoting detection facility, there are two kinds of detectors: client detectors and server detectors. Note that these should not be confused with client invokers and server invokers.

          A server detector is responsible for publishing the existence of all server invokers running in the same JVM. A client detector will, in addition, keep track of all server invokers that it has detected, and when it notices the appearance of a new server invoker or the disappearance of a known server invoker, it will notify all registered listeners of the change in the network.

          Notifying listeners of network changes is performed by an org.jboss.remoting.network.NetworkRegistry. A detector queries its MBeanServer to retrieve a NetworkRegistry, but if none is available, it is unable to make notifications. In other words, if a detector cannot locate a NetworkRegistry, it is, by definition, a server detector. The message

          Detector: org.jboss.remoting.detection.multicast.MulticastDetector could not be loaded because the NetworkRegistry is not registered
          This means that only the broadcasting of detection messages will be functional and will not be able to discover other servers.

          means that you did not register a NetworkRegistry with the MBeanServer and listeners will not be informed of the discovery of new servers (or the disappearance of old ones).

          For an example of how to set up detection, see the classes org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection.multicast.SimpleDetectorClient and org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection.multicast.SimpleDetectorServer in the Remoting source code tree.