2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 9, 2010 10:26 AM by tcunning

    a web project into an esb project


      I have an esb project that works perfect, and i want to create a jsp page for administration purposes. I created a new web project and moved all the appropriate folders from this Web project (WebContent and everything it includes META-INF,WEB-INF and myindex.jsp) to the esb project.

      This thing does not seem to work when a hit the jsp page from the esb project althought it works when i hit the page from the web project..

      Any suggestions??



        • 1. Re: a web project into an esb project

          Actually we are interested on two things.

          a) Is it possible to have a war inside an esb project?

          b) I think the approach that we would prefer would be to have an EAR that bundles

              i) the utility jars

              ii) the administration war

              iii) the esb

              iv) whatever else comes in the future.


          It seems I cannot add using the eclipse jboss esb tools an esb project into an ear.


          Does this work if I do it manually using ant?



          • 2. Re: a web project into an esb project
            It is possible to pack a WAR into an ESB archive - I think you can take a look at the native_client or the helloworld_hibernate_action QS among others for examples.