4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 21, 2011 9:07 AM by nimoh

    Selection gives wrong key to backing bean




      I have am using a rich:extendedDataTable with ExtendedTableDataModel and a datascroller, and most things are working fine, but when I try to select a row on the second page, the key getting passed to my backing bean is from the corresponding row of the first page.  In other words if I select the first row of the second page, I get the key of the first row of the first page, and if I click on the second row of the second page, I get the key of the second row of the first page.


      I have tried just about everything I can think of, any help is appreciated.




      The relevant backing bean methods are as follows:


        • 1. Selection gives wrong key to backing bean

          <rich:extendedDataTable width="#{participationStatusHandler.tableWidth}px" height="489px"



                                                            var="subjectRow" rows="12" reRender="bottomScroller"

                                                            sortMode="single" selectionMode="single"




                                                            rowClasses="standardTable_Row1, standardTable_Row2"





                                                            renderIfSinglePage="true" headerClass="subjectTableHeader">

                                                            <a4j:support event="onselectionchange" action="#{participationStatusHandler.takeSelection}"/>





          <rich:datascroller align="center" for="SubjectTable" styleClass="paginator"

                                                            id="bottomScroller" ajaxSingle="false"/>

          • 2. Selection gives wrong key to backing bean

            public ExtendedTableDataModel<ParticipationStatusBean> getSubjectDataModel() {

                                if (subjectDataModel == null) {

                                               subjectDataModel = new ExtendedTableDataModel<ParticipationStatusBean>(

                                                                   new DataProvider<ParticipationStatusBean>() {

                                                              private static final long serialVersionUID = 6868890472318L;



                                                              public ParticipationStatusBean getItemByKey(Object key) {

                                                                             for (ParticipationStatusBean b : participants) {

                                                                                            if (key.equals(getKey(b))) {

                                                                                                           return b;



                                                                             return null;




                                                              public List<ParticipationStatusBean> getItemsByRange(int firstRow, int endRow) {

                                                                             return participants.subList(firstRow, endRow);




                                                              public Object getKey(ParticipationStatusBean b) {

                                                                             return b.getKey();




                                                              public int getRowCount() {

                                                                             return participants.size();





                                return subjectDataModel;



                      public List<ParticipationStatusBean> getParticipants() {

                                return participants;



                      public void setParticipants(List<ParticipationStatusBean> participants) {

                                     this.participants = participants;



              public Object getTableState() {

                                     return tableState;




              public void setTableState(Object tableState) {

                                     this.tableState = tableState;



              public void takeSelection() {

                                     this.clickedBean = null;

                                     Iterator<Object> iterator = this.getSelectedParticipant().getKeys();

                                     while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                                                    Object key = iterator.next();


                                                    this.clickedBean = getSubjectDataModel().getRowData();




                      public ParticipationStatusBean getClickedBean() {

                                     return this.clickedBean;



              public SimpleSelection getSelectedParticipant() {

                                     if(this.selectedParticipant == null) {

                                                    this.selectedParticipant = new SimpleSelection();


                                     return this.selectedParticipant;


              public void setSelectedParticipant(SimpleSelection selectedParticipant) {

                                     this.selectedParticipant = selectedParticipant;


            • 3. Selection gives wrong key to backing bean

              sorry but it works for me If I'm just adding dataScroller to our 3.3.3.Final demo:

              public class ExtendedTableBean {

                  private String sortMode = "single";

                  private String selectionMode = "multi";

                  private Object tableState;

                  private Selection selection = new SimpleSelection();

                  private List<Capital> capitals = new ArrayList<Capital>();

                  private ExtendedTableDataModel<Capital> dataModel;

                  private List<Capital> selectedCapitals = new ArrayList<Capital>();



                  public String getSortMode() {

                      return sortMode;




                  public void setSortMode(String sortMode) {

                      this.sortMode = sortMode;




                  public String getSelectionMode() {

                      return selectionMode;




                  public void setSelectionMode(String selectionMode) {

                      this.selectionMode = selectionMode;




                  public ExtendedTableBean() {




                  public void takeSelection() {


                      Iterator<Object> iterator = getSelection().getKeys();

                      while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                          Object key = iterator.next();








                  public ExtendedTableDataModel<Capital> getCapitalsDataModel() {

                      if (dataModel == null) {

                          dataModel = new ExtendedTableDataModel<Capital>(new DataProvider<Capital>() {



                              private static final long serialVersionUID = 5054087821033164847L;



                              public Capital getItemByKey(Object key) {

                                  for (Capital c : capitals) {

                                      if (key.equals(getKey(c))) {

                                          return c;



                                  return null;




                              public List<Capital> getItemsByRange(int firstRow, int endRow) {

                                  return capitals.subList(firstRow, endRow);




                              public Object getKey(Capital item) {

                                  return item.getName();




                              public int getRowCount() {

                                  return capitals.size();




                      return dataModel;




              <rich:extendedDataTable rows="#{10}"

                                                      value="#{extendedTableBean.capitalsDataModel}" var="cap" id="table"

                                                      width="580px" height="400px"





                                                      <rich:column sortable="false" label="Flag" id="col_1">

                                                                <f:facet name="header">

                                                                          <h:outputText value="Flag" id="flag"/>


                                                                <h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}" id="cap_state_flag"/>


                                                      <rich:column sortable="true" sortBy="#{cap.state}" id="col_2"

                                                                filterBy="#{cap.state}" filterEvent="onkeyup" width="170px"

                                                                label="State Name">

                                                                <f:facet name="header">

                                                                          <h:outputText value="State Name" id="state_name"/>


                                                                <h:outputText value="#{cap.state}" id="cap_state"/>


                                                      <rich:column sortable="true" sortBy="#{cap.name}" id="col_3"

                                                                filterBy="#{cap.name}" filterEvent="onkeyup" width="170px"

                                                                label="State Capital">

                                                                <f:facet name="header">

                                                                          <h:outputText value="State Capital" id="state_capital"/>


                                                                <h:outputText value="#{cap.name}" id="cap_name"/>


                                                      <rich:column sortable="false" label="Time Zone" id="col_4">

                                                                <f:facet name="header">

                                                                          <h:outputText value="Time Zone" id="time_zone"/>


                                                                <h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}" id="cap_time_zone"/>


                                                      <a4j:support reRender="selectiontable" id="extended_table_bean_take_selection"


                                                                event="onselectionchange" />

                                                                <f:facet name="footer">




              • 4. Selection gives wrong key to backing bean

                The only difference I see is that your data scroller is in the footer of the table, while mine uses the "for" attribute.  Not sure if that would make a difference.


                Anyway, since posting, I have gone a different route.  I am manually setting the selected row by passing the key of the selected row to a javascript function that sets it on the backing bean.  I am then waiting for this operation to complete before allowing the user to take action that would require the selection to be set on the backing bean.