3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 7, 2012 5:53 AM by pi4630

    JBoss 6.0 Timer Service configuration




      Is it possible to configure the EJB3 timer service in JBoss 6.0 so that it doesn't persist timers (or it persists it in an Oracle database)?




        • 1. Re: JBoss 6.0 Timer Service configuration

          Zoltan Szalay wrote:




          Is it possible to configure the EJB3 timer service in JBoss 6.0 so that it doesn't persist timers


          Not currently possible.



          Zoltan Szalay wrote:


          (or it persists it in an Oracle database)?


          The timerservice implementation is backed by JPA. By default it uses the "DefaultDS" datasource for persistence. You can change that to point to a different datasource (configured for Oracle). This change can be done in the JBOSS_HOME/common/deploy/jboss-ejb3-timerservice-mk2.jar/META-INF/persistence.xml file.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: JBoss 6.0 Timer Service configuration

            I really appreciate your answer.

            I was looking for this configuration since hours. Unfortunately I was looking in the server deploy directory and not in common/deploy....


            Can you give some hint what table(s) do I need to create in Oracle for the timers?




            • 3. Re: JBoss 6.0 Timer Service configuration

              I did it this way: Remove Hypersonic DefaultDS reference datasource, call your Oracle datasource DefaultDS, grant the connection user all creation privileges and startup JBoss. The AS will create the tables with that connection user. After that, you may revoke the creation privileges - so you have all necessary system tables.