0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 21, 2009 3:18 PM by clarose78

    jsp:include in JSF page does not evaluate "#" expression



      This issue is not RichFaces related but is JBoss related and I did not know where else to post it.
      The issue is that I have a JSF portal-like page in which I include dynamically a subview (which acts as the content area of my portal) based on the value of a property in my managed bean like this:

      <jsp:include page="#{myUIBean.currentPage}" />

      The first issue is that, the expression is not evaluated at all, I have to use the "$" sign to make it work:

      <jsp:include page="${myUIBean.currentPage}" />

      Now, I want to implement a "previous/next" navigation mechanism where when the user clicks on the previous button, I update the currentPage value accordingly. The problem I have with this "jsp:include" tag is that because I have to use the "$" sign to make it work, the expression is interpreted immediately and the actionListener of my previous button never gets called.

      A colleague of mine tried this specific scenario on a standalone Tomcat installation and it seemed to work fine (using the "#" sign ), but I have to use JBoss though and not Tomcat.

      Thanks in advance for your help,