1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 16, 2011 5:48 AM by sunilchaurha

    Value is not populated on the UI (output stream) on render response


      Dear All,


      This is a very big and inconsistent problem in my project.

      We are working a project that is a combination of Spring web flow (2.0.3) and JSF (Jsf Facelet 1.0.10)+RichFaces(3.3.3.Final).

      We are using IBM WAS 7.02.


      Here we have a problem in the rendering the content of form bean on the UI.

      When we perform any operation then after request processing data is coming back to the form bean (i.e. UserFormBean.java) then we are trying to print the attributes of this form bean on the UI either using form loop, datatable, c:forEach or simple UI:fragment.


      Some times values are printed on the UI sometimes values are not printed on the UI, at the same time if I make any changes in the xhtml file directely on the server and then refresh the browser then the value is getting printed.



      Its a very big and catastrophic problem for us and client is reporting this problem at avery big level.

      Could you please help me to resolve this issue.

      I have attached a sample file for your reference.


      Thanks in advance.


      Sunil C