1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 14, 2014 5:08 PM by igarashitm

    jms synchronous proxied response


      I currently have a jms request/reply working as a synchronous call.  my flow looks like this:

      2014-10-14 16_12_49-JBoss - switchyard-quickstart-jca-outbound-activemq_src_main_resources_META-INF_.png

      EchoClientService is jax-rs service, EchoClientService has a reference to the EchoReference which uses jms request/replyto to send to queue/Echo.in and get a response from queue/Echo.out.


      EchoService and EchoServiceBean listens on queue/Echo.in and responds with a lower case string.

      2014-10-14 16_16_07-JBoss - switchyard-quickstart-jca-outbound-activemq_src_main_java_org_switchyard.png

      My problem is that I need to insert a proxy in between the EchoService and the EchoClientService such that the flow is:

      2014-10-14 16_17_36-CMB-MM-MWLS - Microsoft Word.png

      I've been less than successful with this.  What happens is the application hangs when EchoProxyService tries to send to Echo.proxy.in. Any thoughts or insights would be most appreciated. 




        • 1. Re: jms synchronous proxied response

          You may want to use reference binding to send to Echo.out instead of JMS replyTo, as sending to Echo.proxy.in doesn't actually happen until the transaction of receiving from Echo.in is committed in this case, which means it never happens if you use replyTo. JMS binding won't commit until it sends a reply.


