1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 24, 2007 3:24 PM by paoletto

    Retrieving MessageDrivenMetaData from MDB


      i'd like to know the value for an ActivationConfigProperty from inside my onMessage() method.

      I found that these values are stored as ActivationConfigPropertyMetaData inside a MessageDrivenMetaData object.

      But how can i retrieve this object? i see i should get a JMSContainerInvoker
      first (or something like that) and ask him for my MessageDrivenMetaData.
      But even i dont know how to get this object...

      Any help?

      ps another question: any way to configure the mdb instance pool through ejb3 annotations? i see there is no activationconfigproperty for it, but i saw that there is this value in JMSContainerInvoker.. so maybe.. ?