0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2002 3:31 PM by garyg

    dynamic remote queue creation


      Hope this is the right forum as I'm not sure if this is JMX or JBossMQ ...

      Anyone know how the following lines for dynamically creating a remote queue (used from 2.4.4) from the client have changed with the new jmx-console viewer in 3.0.1? Everything I try is 404.

      Here's what I had to do in 2.4.4 ...

      --- snip ---

      String action = "action=createQueue?action=createQueue"
      + "¶m0%2Bjava.lang.String=myQueue";

      String arg = "/InvokeAction//JBossMQ%3Aservice%3DServer"
      + "/" + action;

      try {
      URL url = new URL("http", "myMachine", 8082, arg);
      HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();

      Any help much appreciated.