0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 16, 2002 3:42 PM by rkanade

    JBoss 3.0 integration with JBuider 4.0


      I want to start JBoss 3.0 from inside JBuilder 4.0. I see that there are tools here for setting it up for JBuilder 5, 6. There is an email thread which talks about how to set up JBoss 2.x manually with JBuilder 4.0 based on that I have created a JBuilder library which has all the jars from C:\jboss-3.0.0\lib, C:\jboss-3.0.0\server\default\lib. I have also included paths like C:\jboss-3.0.0\server\default\conf, C:\jboss-3.0.0\server\default\db etc as suggested.When I run the project from JBuilder JBoss seems to be starting correctly but I also see the following exception
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/jmx/adaptor/rmi/RMIAdaptor

      I think I have missed to add something to the classpath.Any help would be real useful.

      Thanx in advance