1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 25, 2008 7:32 AM by konstantin.mishin

    Keep focus on a selected row in a ScrollableDataTable


      Hi all, I'm using richfaces v3.2.0.
      I want to keep the focus on a selected row in a ScrollableDataTable, also after rerendering the table. Below the tab used:

      <rich:scrollableDataTable id="idTable" binding="#{classTable.table}" />

      in the classTable I have this method to return the selected row:

      public Object getRowSelected()
      Object key = table.getActiveRowKey();
      Object rowData = table.getRowData();
      return rowData;

      I tried to set the scrollPosition in the table, but it doesn't work very well.
      How can I do to keep the focus on the selected row ?
