1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 27, 2004 11:41 AM by starksm64

    Changing JMX Console display


      Hi All,

      We have added a service in JBoss and wanted to change the labels so that names are more meaningful in the JMX Console. Instead of displaying “arg0”, we want to change the names so that the JMX Console looked nicer and was easier to understand.

      Also, does anyone know if it is possible to change the text box size or if there is a way to add dropdown in the JMX Console?

      Any suggestions or advice will be much appreciated.



        • 1. Re: Changing JMX Console display

          To display meaningful names you need to provide the approriate mbean descriptions to the deployed mbeans. This is best done using the jboss model mbean implementation, XMBeans.

          The othe changes require modifying the simple jsp pages that make up the jmx-console.