6 Replies Latest reply on Dec 8, 2006 10:16 AM by vralev

    jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors



      I installed JBoss jboss-4.0.5.GA on Fedora Core 6 using jems-installer-1.2.0.CR1 but on start i get the following errors:

      14:37:31,393 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console, warUrl=.../deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/
      14:37:31,986 INFO [[/web-console]] MonitorsFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:31,997 INFO [[/web-console]] UCLs: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,075 INFO [[/web-console]] JMS Message: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,086 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 WebModule: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,097 INFO [[/web-console]] J2EEFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,148 INFO [[/web-console]] AOPFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,151 INFO [[/web-console]] SystemFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,263 INFO [[/web-console]] MBeans: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,271 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 Domains and Servers: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,806 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 EJBModules and EJBs: Failed to init plugin, null
      14:37:32,813 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 J2EE Apps: Failed to init plugin, null

      The web-console tree doesn't load fully, check: [img]http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7526/jbosstq5.jpg[/img]

      I installed the same jboss with the same installer on my XP workstation and that works fine, same installation options.

      Does anyone have an idea what might cause the problem?

      Thank you in advance.

        • 1. Re: jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors

          Yes, this is a bug in the CR1 version of the installer, we are working on it.

          In the mean time, if you need a clean ejb3-enabled server you can download the source code of the 4.0.5.GA server, build it (run build.bat or build.sh in the build folder) and it will make a working ejb3 server in the jboss-4.0.5.GA-src\build\output\jboss-4.0.5.GA-ejb3 folder. (The build requires ant and java 1.5 jdk)

          • 2. Re: jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors

            The problem comes from a misconfigured deploy\console-mgr.sar\web-console.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml

            The installer creates:

             <!-- Uncomment the security-domain to enable security. You will
             need to edit the htmladaptor login configuration to setup the
             login modules used to authentication users.

            where it should have been:
             <!-- Uncomment the security-domain to enable security. You will
             need to edit the htmladaptor login configuration to setup the
             login modules used to authentication users.

            Just add the line to your file. We will fix it in the next release.

            • 3. Re: jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors
              • 4. Re: jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors

                Thank you for the replies but i dont have a directory /deploy/console-mgr.sar/, just a /deploy/jmx-console.war/ directory.

                I changed the file: jboss-4.0.5.GA\server\default\deploy\jmx-console.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml
                but I still keep getting the startup errors about jmx-console:

                18:25:36,046 INFO [[/web-console]] MonitorsFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,046 INFO [[/web-console]] UCLs: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,078 INFO [[/web-console]] JMS Message: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,093 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 WebModule: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,109 INFO [[/web-console]] J2EEFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,109 INFO [[/web-console]] AOPFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,125 INFO [[/web-console]] SystemFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,156 INFO [[/web-console]] MBeans: Failed to init plugin, null
                18:25:36,171 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 Domains and Servers: Failed to init pl
                ugin, null
                18:25:36,171 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 EJBModules and EJBs: Failed to init pl
                ugin, null
                18:25:36,187 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 J2EE Apps: Failed to init plugin, null

                My jboss-web.xml is now:
                 <!-- Uncomment the security-domain to enable security. You will
                 need to edit the htmladaptor login configuration to setup the
                 login modules used to authentication users.

                It still doesn't work?

                • 5. Re: jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors

                  I found the file here instead...

                  ...then it worked for me!

                  • 6. Re: jboss startup web-console.war deployment errors

                    Yes it's deploy\management\console-mgr.sar\web-console.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml . Thanks eraaloo. Sorry for the trouble.