Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day for Arquillian. Aslak and I will kick the day off with a presentation demo of Arquillian at JUDCon. Aslak will walk you through what Arquilian is doing while I drive the screen. We're planning to capture a screencast of the presentation (keep your fingers crossed). We'll also have more shirts to give away. Ike is on the back, and he has a message for you.

If you're at JUDCon, be sure to stick around for the JUDCon hackfest in the evening to hack on Arquillian with the project developers (Aslak, ALR, Pete, myself and more) from 7:30PM to 2AM EST. Other projects joining the hackfest include ShrinkWrap, Seam, JBoss AS and JBoss Cloud. The ideas are sure to be flowing!
If you're unable to make the trip to Boston for JUDCon, you don't have to miss out! We'll be on freenode IRC in #jbosstesting, #seam-dev and other channels throughout the hackfest. There will also be forum and JIRA activity throughout, no doubt, and Skype is another option. So this is both global event and local event!
Grab your code. It's on.