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After a long wait we can finally give you some good news..


*drum roll*


Arquillian 1.0.0.Alpha5 has been released!


In the beginning of the cycle we came to the conclusion that the old Arquillian core just did not cut it in respect to where we were heading,

so big parts of it has been rewritten...



Some of the hightlight in this release:


  • DeploymentException assertion


Verify that a @Deployment throws the expected deployment exception using @ShouldThrowException(Exception.class)


   @Deployment @ShouldThrowException(WeldException.class)
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment() { }


  • Multiple deployments


Define as many @Deployment methods as you may need. If you need them deployed in order, use @Deployment.order. When dealing with multiple @Deployments you have to specify which deployment context a @Test method should run within by using the @OperateOnDeployment("deploymentName"). The deploymentName is specified using With this you can swap between in container testing in one deployment, @RunAsClient in the context of another deployment and back incontainer in the third.


   @Deployment(order = 1, name = "dep1")
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment() { }

   @Deployment(order = 2, name = "dep2")
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment2() { }

   @Test @OperateOnDeployment("dep1")
   public void callActive1() throws Exception { }

   @Test @OperateOnDeployment("dep2")
   public void callActive1() throws Exception { }


  • Multiple containers


Deploy multiple deployments to multiple containers in the same test class using @TargetsContainer("containerName") on the @Deployment methods. Combined with @OperateOnDeployment("name") individual @Test methods can now execute in different containers.


   @Deployment(name = "dep1") @TargetsContainer("node-1")
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment() { }

   @Deployment(name = "dep2") @TargetsContainer("node-2")
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment2() { }

   @Test @OperateOnDeployment("dep1")
   public void callActive1() throws Exception { }

   @Test @OperateOnDeployment("dep2")
   public void callActive1() throws Exception { }


  • Configurable protocol


Previously the protocol was bound to the container you were running on. The container still has a default, but this can now be overwritten on a pr @Deployment method level by using the annotation @OverProtocol("protocolName").


   @Deployment(name = "dep1") @TargetsContainer("node-1") @OverProtocol("Servlet 3.0")
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment() { }

   @Deployment(name = "dep2") @TargetsContainer("node-2") @OverProtocol("EJB 3.1")
   public static WebArchive createTestDeployment2() { }

   @Test @OperateOnDeployment("dep1") // in container text execution is done over HTTP
   public void callActive1() throws Exception { }

   @Test @OperateOnDeployment("dep2") // in container text execution is done over RMI
   public void callActive1() throws Exception { }


  • Descriptor deployment


Need to deploy a JMS Queue, or a DataSource? Use the Desciptor deployment. Works the same as a Archive deployment by defining a deployment method with return type Descriptor.


   public static Descriptor createTestDeployment() { }


* Arquillian Drone


A new extension for Web testing. Integrates Arquillian with Selenium, WebDriver and Arquillian Ajocado.


public class AjocadoTestCase
   // load ajocado driver
   AjaxSelenium driver;



Some changes:


  • @Run(AS_CLIENT) @Run(IN_CONTAINER) has been replaced by @RunAsClient. RunMode is default read from @Deployment.testable, but you can override the runmode for a in container deployment using @RunAsClient on the @Test method.
  • New Configuration XML format
  • GlassFish 3.0 support was _replaced_ with 3.1 support.



Big thanks to the Arquillian and ShrinkWrap community for helping us with this release!



A extra goes out to, Karel Piwko for Arquillian Drone, Jason Porter for GlassFish Remote 3.1 container and David R Allen for other random issues


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