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August 12, 2016 Previous day Next day

Windup 2.7.0 available!

Posted by manarh Aug 12, 2016

Windup (JBoss Migration Toolkit) 2.7.0 is now available on the Windup website Download | Windup Migration Platform, with new rules for the EAP 5 to 7 migration path!


To analyze an EAP 5 application for migration to EAP 7:


$ WINDUP_HOME/bin/windup --source eap:5 --target eap:7 --input /path/to/application.war


(Note the new syntax for specifying versions of the source and target technologies.) Any feedback on the new rule set would be greatly appreciated.


Documentation and release notes for Windup 2.7.0 are available at Product Documentation for Red Hat JBoss Migration Toolkit - Red Hat Customer Portal.


If you have any feature requests or encounter any issues, please let us know on the Windup JIRA, or on freenode IRC #windup or forum


Much thanks to everyone who contributed to the release!



Marek Novotny on behalf of the Windup team