• Analysis / Design - Integration with the Let's Encrypt certificate authority

    Analysis  Summary  WFCORE-3305 added more advanced Elytron key-store manipulation management operations, providing the ability to generate self-signed certificates, generate certificate signing requests (CS...
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    last modified by fjuma
  • JBOSS 6.3 : java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBWEB000212: Session already invalidated

    We are using JBOSS 6.3 EAP and  its throwing below error some times.  But after restarting JBOSS Applcation server couple of times, it will get work fine.   Kindly help us on this and how to resolve t...
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    last modified by kesav.dubasi
  • Issues connecting Jboss DV to Hive source.  Wrong Driver Class is the error.

    Hello All,   I'm trying to connect my Jboss DV to Hive using Jboss Developer Studio.   - Jboss Developer Version: 9.1.0.GA - Redhat Jboss EAP 6.1+ - Teiid-engine-8.12.5.redhat-8 - Hive Driver - hive-jdb...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • DevStudio Issue after started - "Searching runtimes...."

    Hello All,   Everytime i start the Devstudio i see an error while updating the project wizard.     ERROR MESSAGE: An internal error occurred during: "Searching runtimes...".   Exception Stack...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • Analysis / Design - JASPIC Integration with WildFly Elytron

    Analysis  Summary The current JASPIC implementation within WildFly is based on the integration with the legacy PicketBox security SPIs, this task is to provide a clean JASPIC integration with WildFly Elytron....
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • Dev Analysis for EAP7-673 - Provide HA Tolopology Support for Messaging JDBC persistence

    Issue Metadata * EAP issue: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/EAP7-673 * Dev Contacts: Francesco Nigro, Artemis * Affected projects or components: Artemis   Design Details  The JDBC Shared Store functional...
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    last modified by fnigro
  • RESTEASY002142: Multiple resource methods match request

    Using WildFly12. I have a jar file which contains an interface definition of a rest interface, but the implementation of which is abstract. I have another class in another jar which implements the same rest interface,...
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    last modified by tstiemerling
  • Analysis / Design - CLIENT_CERT without users certificates database

    AnalysisSummary CLIENT_CERT http-authentication-mechanism currently requires to provide security-realm, which will verify X509Evidence for it. This does not provide replacement for legacy truststore auth, which allows...
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    last modified by honza889
  • Teiid Designer 11.1.3 Release Notes

    Teiid Designer - Version 11.1.3                               ...
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    last modified by blafond
  • How to add SAML and OpenID authentication to your Seam application

    Introduction  When securing your Seam based application, you need to choose where to store the identity information that is needed for user authentication. In earlier days, you would create your own username/pas...
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    last modified by marcelkolsteren
  • Creating a Custom Lifecycle in Maven

    Intro   Although it is not an everyday task, sometimes it is helpful to create a custom lifecycle in Maven.  For example, the jboss-maven-plugin unpack goal does not unpack (or explode) the WAR in the EAR.&...
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    last modified by asookazian
  • Analysis of "Convenient declaration of server suspend timeout for all operations that take down a server"

    UPDATE: Due to the new EAP process, this document is obsolete. You can find the most recent version in the following link: [WFCORE-1427][WFCORE-3724] Convenient declaration of server suspend timeout by yersan · ...
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    last modified by yersan
  • Transactional support for JAX RS based applications

    Overview Specification of how to model transactions as RESTful resources   This wiki article will discuss two approaches to providing transactional guarantees for updating resources modeled using the REST paradi...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • Advanced Java EE Lab (FI MUNI: jaro 2018)

    V rámci jarního semestru akademického roku 2017/18 probíhá na FI MUNI série setkání ve fromě kombinovaných přednášek a laboratorních cvičen&#...
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    last modified by zroubali

    I  have created a table in excel to use this table in drools workbench; but  when import the file in .xls format in workbench I view this errors. Can you help me?
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    last modified by emilia-2
  • Hibernate Search Binary and Source Compatibility for Hibernate Search users between 5.5.8.Final-redhat-1 and 5.10

    To see the summary of the generated report go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GObdv3N9dQe7kg61da7srVikPtYfFwC5fJwYfFvxbm8/edit# Attached is the report and a zip file with instructions for generating the report.
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    last modified by y.rodiere
  • Analysis - High level security workflow for HAL

    Summary  Provide UI controls to enable SSL for http management interface and undertow https listener. Elytron provides many resources to configure these settings, but user should go to different UI view to confi...
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    last modified by claudio4j
  • Advanced Java EE Lab (FI MUNI: jaro 2017)

    V rámci jarního semestru akademického roku 2016/17 probíhá na FI MUNI série setkání ve fromě kombinovaných přednášek a laboratorních cvičen&#...
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    last modified by jkremser
  • How to Use Out of Process ActiveMQ with WildFly

    This document explains how to use an out of process ActiveMQ to send and receive JMS messages inside WildFly Application Server.   Start standalone ActiveMQ  This documentation assumes that ActiveMQ is star...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Releasing Hibernate Validator

    Release Process Prerequisites Prepare Release Publish Announce   Release Process Follow these steps for an official release.   Prerequisites You need to have access to http://ci.hiber...
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    last modified by guillaume.smet