Version 15

    I get
    not bound, how do I fix it?


    In conf/jboss-service.xml change the scanner to the following:

          <attribute name="RecursiveSearch">True</attribute>


    I get the same message but I have RecursiveSearch of True? But I do get an


    You have broken your JMS configuration. Most likely the persistence manager


    Enable TRACE logging as described in the READ THIS FIRST and look for

    error messages, most likely


    s from the database.

    You can ignore DEBUG messages about " jms table already exists" these are normal.



    Ensure that your JMS folder file  "-jdbc-state-service.xml" is set the the correct Connecion Manager. For example if the file is named

    "Oracle-jdbc-state-service.xml the ConnectionManager should be configued in the file to read:



    for  "hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml" it would be:



    Also you may be missing the "-jdbc-state-service.xml file altogether to get the "XAConnectionFactory not bound" log  message.