Version 13

    What are the issues specific to Mac OS X?


    There is going to be a session at the World Wide Developer Conference ( on JBoss and Mac OS X Server.


    This can be a page where fixes can be collected and issues discussed.




    One can make a copy of the ThinkMovies example supplied by WebObjects. This is a normal WO app, not J2EE-aware. One can then add the following settings to the main project target settings:




    • SERVLET_DEPLOY_LICENSE = <license number>



    • SERVLET_WEBAPPS_DIR = /Library/JBoss/3.2/deploy


    One then needs to add the WOJSPServlet framework to the Application Server target.


    One then has to (why?) copy the JavaBusinessLogic.jar file in /Library/Frameworks/JavaBusinessLogic.framework to /Library/WebObjects/lib/.


    One can then build the application and it will hot deploy. But then it will throw an exception.


    One needs to have a working database datasource configuration file set up. If one is on a client system and one does not have the JBossDeployment application (since it is Server only), how can one most easily get a correctly configured database datasource configuration?


    The exception was:


    • 12:00:09,079 ERROR STDERR Caused by: Com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOObjectNotAvailableException entityNamed: could not find entity named:Movie: <webobjectsexamples.thinkmovies.Application> failed instantiation. Exception thrown :

    • com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOObjectNotAvailableException: entityNamed: could not find entity named:Movie: entityNamed: could not find entity named:Movie

    • ...

    • 12:00:09,082 INFO  Engine StandardWrapper[/ThinkMoviesWOServletAdaptor|/ThinkMovies:WOServletAdaptor]: Marking servlet WOServletAdaptor as unavailable

    • 12:00:09,083 ERROR Engine StandardContext[/ThinkMovies|/ThinkMovies]: Servlet /ThinkMovies threw load() exception

    • javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Error initializing servlet adaptor: null





    Dropping in the

    .war file into the deployment directory hot deploys the application. How can one easily get more than one instance launched? Without hand-editing XML?





    Getting JBoss to run on OSX (Jaguar 10.3)...


    The App Server portion of Xcode (including JBoss/Tomcat) is now a separate download from the Apple Developer Connection site (it was in XCode 1.1).  The paragraph below is from the xcode_1.2_readme.pdf README file from the ADC site:


    Getting JBoss to run on OSX (Jaguar 10.3)...


    The App Server portion of Xcode is now a separate download from the Apple Developer Connection site.  The attached xcode_1.2_readme.pdf file has the details:


    Java Application Servers Development - The Java Application Servers Development Kit is not included as a custom install option with this release. This optional install  includes the Ant, XDoclet-based and J2EE project templates, and JBoss. If you are upgrading an existing Xcode Tools configuration which includes these components,  they will be left in place. An updated installer for these components is available as a separate item from the Apple Developer Connection download site


    From the attached PDF file (appserverdev_7k248_read_me.pdf) has more info on the new separate pkg:


    The Java Application Servers Developer Preview package was previously  released as an optional install with the Xcode Tools 1.0 and 1.1 installer. It  is now distributed as an independent package for installation. Changes in  this package include delivery of JBoss 3.2.3, upgraded from version  3.2.2RC2, and Tomcat 4.1.29, upgraded from 4.1.24.


    If you are using Xcode Tools version 1.1, you need to fix the JAVA var in the /Library/JBoss/3.2/bin/run.conf. It mistakenly points to the 1.4.1 Java dir, which does NOT have any binary present.


    If you upgrade to the latest tools versions, Xcode Tools 1.2 and the now separate  Application Servers Development Preview Build 7K248, a Software Update will be made available to you automatically the next time the Software Update application is run.


    In the run.conf file, change:




    to any of the following:






    The first option will probably be better in the long run. Then run the following...




    or start the JBoss container from the Server Admin application.


    You should now having JBoss running on http://localhost:8080


    Directory Info:






    Run RunningJBossAsAMacOSXService on Mac OS X.


    Some More Stuff