Version 4

    How do I generate the required artifacts?


    JBossWS comes with its own toolset which is called wstools. You can run wstools from the command line and from an Apache Ant target.





    To run wstools from the command line, use the scripts available in the jboss-4.0.x/bin dir. They are also packaged in the jbossws-client.jar binary.





    Here is an example of howto run wstools from the command line.


    wstools -cp path-to-classes -config jbosswsConfig.xml
    <configuration xmlns="">
        <service name="SampleService" wsdlStyle="rpc" endpoint=""></service>
        <namespaces targetNamespace="" typeNamespace=""></namespaces>
        <mapping fileName="jaxrpc-mapping.xml"></mapping>
        <wsxml servletLink="TrivialEndpoint"></wsxml>


    More information can be found in the JBossWS User Guide