Version 4

    Recommended JBoss WS versions


    WSRP is only compatible with the Native JBoss WS stack (not Metro, nor CXF) at this point as this is the only stack that still supports JAX-RPC.

    Note that we haven't tested all possible Portal / AS / WS combinations. If you find such a combination that doesn't seem to be working properly, please inform us about it in the forums and we'll do our best to update this page.


    As a general rule, use the most up to date version of JBoss WS for the JBoss AS version that you are targetting for deployment. Take a look at for more details of which WS versions should work on which AS version.


    • If you are using JBoss 4.0.x, use JBoss WS 1.2.1.GA or better (up to 2.0.3.GA).
    • If you are using JBoss 4.2.x (except 4.2.3.GA, see below), use the bundled version
    • If you are using JBoss 4.2.3.GA, use the latest version of JBoss WS compatible with JBoss AS 4.2.x as a known issue prevents proper use of WSRP behind a proxy or without an internet connection


    Known incompatible versions


    • All versions starting from 1.0.4.GA up to 1.2.1.GA