Version 17

    Proposed Annotation Based Core Cache Listener API

    This is the rough draft for the recommended API changes to the notification system in core cache.


    Please post feedback to


    Recommended Changes

    • Use annotations and remove interface requirements

    • Put notification data in a class instead of parameters

    • Use a common notification base class


    Advantages over existing API

    • Easy to use - Very few lines of code required

    • Not Object Model Invasive - no interface or inheritance requirements

    • Very Flexible - Can be used in a variety of ways

    • Very Extensible - New notifications can be introduced by just adding a new annotation and a new object. The old interface approach would require a new interface to be introduced every time we enhance the API since adding methods would break backwards compatibility. Also additional data can easily be added to a notification unlike the previous approach which relied on a specific method signature.


    Reasons to change

    • We already need 2 new notifications types for our own internal reasons (POJO Cache & Session Replication)

    • We also need additional data to be added to some notifications

    • Customers will be able to take advantage of the added benefits in the 2.0.0.GA release

    • It is likely we will have to switch to a better API in the future anyway




    The following are example cases using the proposed API


    Simple Case

    We only want modify events. Therefore we can use the expected subclass:


    public class MyCacheListener
       public void myMethod(NodeModifyEvent e)
"FQN: " + e.getFqn());
"Modification type: " + e.getModificationType());
"Data: " + e.getData());


    Dynamic Case

    We want several notifications on one method, so we use the base Notification class:

    public class MyCacheListener
       public void myMethod(Event e)
"Event type: " + e.getType());
          if (e.getType() == Event.Type.VIEW_CHANGED)
             View newView = ((ViewChangedEvent) e).getNewView();   

    Mixed Case

    We use multiple methods to receive the same notification, one receives another notification as well:

    public class MyCacheListener
       public void logModify(NodeModifiedEvent e)
"FQN: " + e.getFqn());
"Modification type: " + e.getModificationType());
"New Data: " + e.getData());
       public void sendJMSMessage(Event e)
          ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage();