Version 29

    The JBoss Common Project


    The common module in JBossAS has been promoted to a standalone project.  The project itself has now been and broken up into several projects.  The source for these projects is located in the common subversion repository.  The jars created by the former common module will now come into JBossAS as thirdparty dependencies.  In addition, Maven2 based builds have been set up for each project.  For maven information please see


    JIRA project page

    The jira location for this project is located at


    This page details information regarding how to work with the new standalone project.


    Repository structure


    The subversion repository location for committers is



    Non-committers can obtain the source from



    This repository does not work based off ssh keys.  Your username and password are the same as those you use to log into the site


    Common Project


    The common project has been broken up into the following projects:

    1. build - a top level pom.xml/build.xml

    2. common-core - Utility classes

    3. common-logging-spi - The JBoss Logging interface

    4. common-logging-log4 - the log4j implementation

    5. common-logging-jdk - logging jdk classes

    6. jbossxb - JBoss XML Binding


    Checking out and working with the source via commandline


    The top level maven pom expects a structure like:


    This can be obtained using:

    svn co build
    svn co common-core
    svn co common-logging-spi
    svn co common-logging-jdk
    svn co common-logging-log4j


    To build the source, run mvn install from the build directory with the top level pom.xml.


    Some notes about building with maven.  First off, you will need to have maven installed on your computer please see the link at the top the page for the download. 

    Maven works with the concept of lifecyles.   You are executing the command 'mvn lifecycle'.     See the following for a detailed explanation


    Checking out and working with the source via eclipse

    This procedure is similiar as the one used for JBossAS.

    1. Checkout the source for your project

      1. In eclipse select window->open perspective->other->subversion repository exploring

      2. In the svn repository tab, right click and select 'New Repository Location'

        1. URL=[|]

        2. ROOT URL=[|]

      3. Expand the newly created repo and right click on your project

      4. Check out as -> java project -> then give it a name hit ok

      5. Now you have a checkout completed

    2. Let eclipse build your project

      1. Previously we always maintained our own eclipse project files in the scm program.

      2. Maven will generate these for you!

      3. Via command line, cd to your checked out project location

        1. mvn eclipse:eclipse

        2. This generates the .classpath files

        3. Refresh your project in eclipse, the thirdparty dependencies will be added in format $M2_REPO/path/

        4. You will need to setup the $M2_REPO varaiable in your ide

          1. From the menu bar, select Window > Preferences. Select the Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables page.

          2. For windows users the default path is c:\documents and settings\username\.m2\repository

          3. Unix users is in home/user/.m2

    3. You now have a useable project in eclipse




    Release procedure

    See MavenReleaseProcess.


    See JBossCommonCoreReleaseProcess.


    Referenced by: