Version 4

    Deploying applications on JBoss


    Deploying applications in JBoss is quite simple.  There are three main steps:


    1. Configure the resources (datasources, message queues, security domains) your application requires

    2. Create any JBoss specific deployment descriptors your application requires

    3. Place the application file in the JBossDeployDirectory


    Let's look at each step in more depth.


    Step 1 - Configure resources


    If your application requires specific resources such as database connection pools, message queues, or JAAS security domains, you will need to configure those before deploying your application.  The basic configuration section of the JBossAdminGuide explains how to configure these basic resources. 


    Step 2 - Create/update JBoss deployment descriptors


    Most applications require JBoss specific deployment descriptors be created or updated.  WAR files might need a security domain defined, EJB deployments may need datasources or CustomConfigurations for the beans.   The JBoss deployment descriptors provide a way to specify both JBoss specific configuration details and mappings from your application onto JBoss provided resources. 


    Step 3 - Place the application files in the deploy directory


    All deployable files (EAR, WAR, SAR, etc...) are placed in the JBossDeployDirectory.  The DeploymentScanner will detect the new file and begin deployment.  Check the log output to determine of your application was successfully deployed.