Version 3

    1. Check out a repository snapshot


    To check out the HEAD


               svn co  --username  <your-username> messaging-head


    Note that you have to be registered on the JBoss website in order to be able to check out from the development SVN repository. If you prefer to check out from the anonymous repository, which is periodically synchronized with the development repository, you can use this command:


               svn co messaging-head



    Be aware there is a certain lag (about 10 minutes) between the developer's SVN and the anonymous SVN, so if you use anonymous access, it is possible to miss newly checked in files.


    To check out a specific branch


               svn co  --username  <your-username> messaging-Branch_1_0


    To check out a specific tag (release)


               svn co  --username  <your-username> messaging-1.0.1.GA




    The directory you used to check out Messaging in will be henceforth referred as $MESSAGING_HOME.


    2. Build


               cd $MESSAGING_HOME




    The first build will take a while (about 2 minutes, on a machine with broadband internet connection), since the build process connects to and download all required depencies. The dependencies are cached so subsequent builds will be a lot faster, unless $MESSAGING_HOME/build-thirparty.xml is modified or the thirdparty directory is deleted.



    3. Run functional tests on JBoss Messaging


    JBoss Messaging 2 doesn't require any extra step to run the testsuite besides being able to build it, i.e. all you need is java, ant and svn.


    If you just go to $MESSAGING_HOME and type:


    1. To run the entire testsuite

    ant all-tests


    1. To run just the unit-tests portion

    ant unit-tests



    1. To run just the the jms-tests portion

    ant jms-tests



    1. To run any specific test:

    ant -Dtest-mask=

    jms-tests | unit-tests





    5. Install Messaging within a JBoss AS instance


    At the time this page has been updated, JBoss Messaging Alpha didn't have instructions to install JBM 2 Alpha on the application server as this wasn't supported on Alpha. Look at the current userguide and feel free to change this paragraph if this has changed.


    6. Start the Messaging server Standalone


    It is possible to run JBoss Messaging 2 in standalone mode. If you go to Messaging-Distro/bin, and if you start you will have JBM 2 up and running.


    UserJoe@joesBox:/downloads/messaging-2.0.0.alpha1/bin$ ./
    java -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Dorg.jboss.logging.Logger.pluginClass=org.jboss.messaging.core.logging.JBMLoggerPlugin -Djava.library.path=. -classpath ../lib/xercesImpl.jar:../lib/trove.jar:../lib/slf4j-log4j12.jar:../lib/slf4j-api-1.4.3.jar:../lib/mina-core-2.0.0-M2-20080520.004618-19.jar:../lib/log4j.jar:../lib/jnpserver.jar:../lib/jgroups.jar:../lib/jboss-xml-binding.jar:../lib/jbossts-common.jar:../lib/jboss-transaction-spi.jar:../lib/jbosssx-client.jar:../lib/jboss-security-spi.jar:../lib/jboss-messaging.jar:../lib/jboss-messaging-client.jar:../lib/jboss-kernel.jar:../lib/jbossjta.jar:../lib/jbossjta-integration.jar:../lib/jboss-javaee.jar:../lib/jboss-jaspi-api.jar:../lib/jboss-dependency.jar:../lib/jboss-container.jar:../lib/jboss-common-logging-spi.jar:../lib/jboss-common-core.jar:../lib/jboss-aop-mc-int.jar:../lib/jboss-aop-jdk50.jar:../lib/javassist.jar:../lib/concurrent.jar:../lib/commons-logging.jar:../config/ org.jboss.jms.server.microcontainer.JBMBootstrapServer jbm-standalone-beans.xml
    08:40:11,557 INFO  @main [JournalStorageManager] Directory data/bindings does not already exists
    08:40:11,558 INFO  @main [JournalStorageManager] Creating it
    08:40:11,567 INFO  @main [JournalStorageManager] Directory data/journal does not already exists
    08:40:11,567 INFO  @main [JournalStorageManager] Creating it
    08:40:11,567 INFO  @main [JournalStorageManager] AIO journal selected
    08:40:11,576 INFO  @main [JournalStorageManager] AIO loaded successfully
    08:40:11,750 INFO  @main [MinaService] Registering:tcp://localhost:5400


    More information on docs


    Look at the User Manual for more information.