Release Notes for JBoss Messaging 1.0.1.GA (Since 1.0.0.GA)
Includes versions: 1.0.1.CR1 1.0.1.CR2 1.0.1.CR3 1.0.1.CR4 1.0.1.CR5 1.0.1.GA
JBMESSAGING-317 Test the client jar with all JBoss 4.X released versions
JBMESSAGING-349 Standalone Messaging based on "extracted" JBoss 4.0.3SP1
JBMESSAGING-360 BytesJBossMessage fails with jboss-serialization 1.0.0.CR7
JBMESSAGING-361 WireFormatTest.testNullResponse(), testDeactivateResponse() fragments invalid
JBMESSAGING-479 Implement iteration
JBMESSAGING-486 Re-enable user documentation generation
JBMESSAGING-496 The remoting snapshot breaks ConnectionFactoryTest.testAdministrativelyConfiguredConnectors() in-vm and remote
JBMESSAGING-497 The remoting snapshot breaks TopicManagementTest (timeout)
JBMESSAGING-498 StressTest.testTopicMultipleReceivers() (InVM) fails
JBMESSAGING-539 Rig an RI and investigate the behavior of an XASession in absence of a global transaction
Feature Request
JBMESSAGING-294 Multiple Connectors (transports) per Server instance
JBMESSAGING-296 Oracle PersistenceManager MBean configuration
JBMESSAGING-345 Messaging should report it version in an INFO statement at boot
JBMESSAGING-367 Upgrade JBossSerialization to GA version
JBMESSAGING-476 Reoccuring Consumer endpoint activation failed Error
JBMESSAGING-528 Update user manual to include details on configuring remoting's serverBindAddress
JBMESSAGING-274 server redeployment fails under unclear circumstances
JBMESSAGING-277 Setting remoting lease period to -1 breaks ASF
JBMESSAGING-279 IllegalStateException on ConnectionEndpoint: Cannot find consumer <id>
JBMESSAGING-290 ServiceContainer.stop does not function correctlly
JBMESSAGING-292 Remoting Lease memory leak
JBMESSAGING-305 The release script includes unnecessary libraries in the scoped messaging sar
JBMESSAGING-308 Transaction mem leak
JBMESSAGING-323 At undeployment, JBossManagedConnectionPool is stopped after ServerPeer, causing org.jboss.remoting.InvalidConfigurationException
JBMESSAGING-325 Message selectors and subscriptions
JBMESSAGING-333 ConnectionFactory deployment fails with "Exception setting attribute JNDIBindings / NullPointerException" on JBoss 4.0.2 and lower
JBMESSAGING-334 The Connector fails to deploy in JBoss 4.0.1SP1 and lower due to obsolete org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.PropertyEditors dependency
JBMESSAGING-335 Remoting deployment fails on JBoss 4.0.1 and lower because of SecurityAssociation obsolete dependency
JBMESSAGING-336 The automated installation procedure fails for an installer-created JBoss 4.x instance.
JBMESSAGING-337 PersistenceManager and ChannelMapper try to create the proxy to their TransactionManager dependency too early.
JBMESSAGING-339 The MDB example fails with classloading problems on an installer-created 4.0.3SP1
JBMESSAGING-344 MDB example dies with "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Destination not specified" on server
JBMESSAGING-346 Spurious ConcurrentModificationException on connection failure
JBMESSAGING-359 Using jboss-serialization 1.0.0.CR7 breaks functional testsuite
JBMESSAGING-362 Remote stress test fails
JBMESSAGING-363 TCK tests fail on account of wrong exception being thrown
JBMESSAGING-364 TCK ee.mdb.xa.MDBClient tests fail
JBMESSAGING-366 Cannot Get SSL Remoting To Work
JBMESSAGING-368 Since 1.0.0.CR7, Serialization produces per-message DEBUG statements
JBMESSAGING-370 Using Serialization 1.0.0.GA generates client-side NullPointerException
JBMESSAGING-371 MessageListener times out on inactivity, after receiving at least one message
JBMESSAGING-372 Two JMSRemotingConnections instances are created per connection.
JBMESSAGING-391 Getting SSLException with jboss-remoting head
JBMESSAGING-392 ConcurrentModificationException in SimpleConnectionManager
JBMESSAGING-394 JBoss Serialization 1.0.0.GA corrupts serialized data on concurrent access
JBMESSAGING-396 Client not compatible with 1.0.1.CR1 server
JBMESSAGING-397 1.0.1.CR1 client not compatible with this server
JBMESSAGING-399 Race condition in deserializing Objectmessage
JBMESSAGING-405 Memory leak with message selector
JBMESSAGING-410 java:/JmsXA in no-tx context does not work the same way as JBossMQ
JBMESSAGING-411 Fails with strings >= 64K
JBMESSAGING-415 Memory leak in acknowledgment
JBMESSAGING-416 Issue with cancellation of messages on client failure
JBMESSAGING-417 JMS Client does not exit
JBMESSAGING-419 Getting started installation doco is broken
JBMESSAGING-420 Channel State not reloaded on redeploy
JBMESSAGING-421 Destination should be added to JNDI after it is loaded
JBMESSAGING-423 Cannot retrieve long JMS string message (TextMessage) from JMS Queue
JBMESSAGING-424 Cannot access the first message when starting the JMS subscriber
JBMESSAGING-426 Expired messages remain on queue
JBMESSAGING-427 MDB compatibility test fails with an 1.0.1.CR1 server
JBMESSAGING-428 Stress tests fail
JBMESSAGING-430 Messy close of connection consumer
JBMESSAGING-432 One connection per unique JMS server leak
JBMESSAGING-433 MessageConsumer.receive() successfully returned although the acknowledgement is failed
JBMESSAGING-434 Client receive the server side exception
JBMESSAGING-436 Messages are not cloned on resend
JBMESSAGING-440 ConcurrentModificationException in transaction commit
JBMESSAGING-442 JBoss Serialization issue with readResolve
JBMESSAGING-448 Durable subscription state on unsubscribe
JBMESSAGING-449 Persisted messages not removed on acknowledgement
JBMESSAGING-450 Queue/Topic removeAllMessages is broken
JBMESSAGING-451 Closing of non recoveranle channel does not remove references
JBMESSAGING-452 On startup of server remaining non persistent messages are not cleaned properly
JBMESSAGING-453 QueuedExecutors not being shutdown explicitly
JBMESSAGING-477 Messages are left in the Messages table after retry message is printed and are retried every time the server is restarted
JBMESSAGING-484 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.MessageConsumerTest.testNoLocal fails locally and remotely
JBMESSAGING-487 ssh smoke test fails on 4.0.4.GA
JBMESSAGING-489 stress tests fail on dual core
JBMESSAGING-490 Race condition on ServerConsumerEndpoint creation
JBMESSAGING-491 Deadlock among ServerConsumerEndpoint.lock and RoundRobinPointToPointRouter.receiver's locks
JBMESSAGING-492 DurableSubscriberTest, MessageConsumerTest timeout occasionally
JBMESSAGING-493 QueuedExecutor is bounded
JBMESSAGING-499 get-test-execution-classpath assumes windows
JBMESSAGING-500 Intermittent race in BrowserTest::testBrowse
JBMESSAGING-501 Race with removeAllReferences
JBMESSAGING-503 QueueManagementTest::testMessageCount
JBMESSAGING-506 On restart, the channel mapper throws java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index
JBMESSAGING-507 JDBCChannelMapper ignores CreateTablesOnStartup value from xxx-peristence-service.xml
JBMESSAGING-508 The MessageCount property on the queue appears to climb to the FullSize value, then stop.
JBMESSAGING-510 JDBCChannelMapper has a createTablesOnStartup variable but no overide.
JBMESSAGING-520 Messages received from Receiver.receive() using an XA are never deleted from the database if not withing a transactional boundary.
JBMESSAGING-521 IllegalStateException: Cannot find delivery to cancel for 1000 Message test.
JBMESSAGING-522 javax.jms.IllegalStateException: The session is closed
JBMESSAGING-526 JMSRedelivered flag not correctly set on true in certain redelivery scenarios
JBMESSAGING-531 ServerPeer destroyTopic()/destroyQueue() must not throw exception on non-existent destinations, but return false.
JBMESSAGING-532 jboss-messaging.jar inappropriately packs service deployment descriptors
JBMESSAGING-533 Class not found when creating durable subscription from a different classloading domain
JBMESSAGING-535 Possible race condition in initialization of the server-side Remoting callback client: "org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvoker$InvalidStateException: Can not process invocation request since is not in started state"
JBMESSAGING-536 The CallbackServer cannot be contacted for some particular network interface configurations
JBMESSAGING-538 The MessageCount property on the queue appears to climb to the FullSize value, then stop
JBMESSAGING-541 If the first opened connections is closed, Remoting Lease doesn't work any more
JBMESSAGING-542 Closing connection inside MessageListener's onMessage() causes deadlock
JBMESSAGING-545 Transaction edge cases and memory leak
JBMESSAGING-546 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.DurableSubscriberTest times out
JBMESSAGING-549 Remoting 2.2.0.Alpha1 breaks 2 crash tests
JBMESSAGING-564 Session.unsubscribe() leaves an active associated consumer (durable subscriber) in an undefined state
JBMESSAGING-587 Fix perf/build.xml
JBMESSAGING-588 MSSQL configuration appears invalid
JBMESSAGING-598 secure-socket example fails on JBoss 4.0.5.CR1
JBMESSAGING-599 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.TransactedSessionTest.testRedeliveredQueue2() fails
JBMESSAGING-600 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.server.destination.QueueManagementTest.testMessageCountOverFullSize() fails
JBMESSAGING-117 Document dependencies on JBoss 5.0
JBMESSAGING-125 Review the messaging core code for thread safety
JBMESSAGING-172 Stress tests
JBMESSAGING-187 Certify JBoss Messaging Content on JBoss Labs
JBMESSAGING-195 Integration test: run existing JBossAS unit tests agains the new stack
JBMESSAGING-215 Factor common behavior out of JDBC support classes (JDBCTransactionLog, JDBCMessageStore and JDBCDurableSubscriptionStore)
JBMESSAGING-280 Allow datasource to be configurable in servicecontainer
JBMESSAGING-282 Document how to use the functional test suite
JBMESSAGING-295 Make serialization manager pluggable
JBMESSAGING-303 Describe how jboss-messaging and ejb3 need to be configured to work together
JBMESSAGING-304 Use TransactionManagerLocator instead of TxManager
JBMESSAGING-311 Add destination deployment params test
JBMESSAGING-316 Extend the smoke matrix to test all JBoss 4.X released versions
JBMESSAGING-318 Review the user guide and send it to the documentation team for processing
JBMESSAGING-320 Validate Messaging with ALL released JBoss 4.0.X versions
JBMESSAGING-328 Optimisation - batch messages to consumers
JBMESSAGING-338 Include all "installer" installation in the smoke test matrix
JBMESSAGING-341 Modify the ant release task to bundle the test source code with the release
JBMESSAGING-347 Use Serialization release that fixed the bug described in JBSER-59
JBMESSAGING-350 Test and bundle the Postgres configuration example
JBMESSAGING-356 Split jboss-service.xml into their own files
JBMESSAGING-358 Provide a docs/example EJB3 MDB example
JBMESSAGING-369 Add backward and forward compatibilty tests to run on release
JBMESSAGING-376 Hand over the release to the QA team
JBMESSAGING-389 Test with JBoss AOP 1.5.0.GA
JBMESSAGING-393 Remove the serverless packages from CVS
JBMESSAGING-401 Release 1.0.1 GA after waiting for a week for feedback on the latest CR
JBMESSAGING-403 The Getting Started guide contains obsolete version numbers
JBMESSAGING-418 JMS examples not handling exceptions properly
JBMESSAGING-431 Socket transports should use configurable port
JBMESSAGING-441 Refactoring of message delivery
JBMESSAGING-472 Test and use remoting 2.0.0.CR1 (or 2.0.0.GA if it's released in time)
JBMESSAGING-481 Implement a round robin routing strategy for queues and subscriptions
JBMESSAGING-485 CTSMiscellaneousTest.testContestedQueueOnRollback temporarily commented out
JBMESSAGING-502 Create a MSSQL persistence manager config
JBMESSAGING-504 Release with a tagged JBossSerialization jar
JBMESSAGING-529 Install TCK5 locally and fix all errors that prevent Messaging from passing
JBMESSAGING-530 Make sure QA cruisecontrol tests Branch_1_0
JBMESSAGING-534 Create a new "messaging" subdirectory in and start uploading messaging artifacts there
JBMESSAGING-547 Upgrade JBossSerialization to 1.0.3.GA
JBMESSAGING-551 Upgrade JBoss Remoting
JBMESSAGING-559 Add a 4.0.5.CR1 EJB3 smoke test
JBMESSAGING-590 Add JBoss 4.0.4.SP1 to the smoke test suite
JBMESSAGING-591 MessageConsumerTest::testTimeoutReceiveOnClose can randomly fail
JBMESSAGING-602 Clear all open user issues on the forum
Referenced by: