Release Notes for JBoss Messaging
Includes versions: 1.0.1.SP2 1.0.1.SP3 1.0.1.SP4 1.2.0.Alpha1 1.2.0.Alpha2 1.2.0.Beta1 1.2.0.Beta2 1.2.0.CR1 1.2.0.GA
Feature Request
JBMESSAGING-4 Load balancing
JBMESSAGING-92 Integrate and enable multiplex transport
JBMESSAGING-122 Implement the stats and monitoring MBean operations on destinations
JBMESSAGING-127 Delayed delivery, redelivery count and pluggable expiration behavior
JBMESSAGING-162 Consider implementing different message delivery optimisations
JBMESSAGING-193 Enable configurable timeout on all calls of RpcServerCall.remoteInvoke(...)
JBMESSAGING-264 Message bridge
JBMESSAGING-527 JBoss Messaging should support JMSXDeliveryCount
JBMESSAGING-561 Write a simple example (distributed topic) and include it in the set shipped with the release
JBMESSAGING-583 Add an integer check for release-admin.xml's -Did=...
JBMESSAGING-611 Server Side Failover
JBMESSAGING-612 Client Side Failover
JBMESSAGING-688 Provide for message forwarding among nodes for a distributed queue.
JBMESSAGING-694 Integrate, test and document the "bisocket" remoting transport.
JBMESSAGING-704 Close a dead remoting client from failover
JBMESSAGING-768 Add a test that makes sure there are no threads preventing VM to exit on client side. There is a placeholder already: org.jboss.test.thirdparty.remoting.DaemonThreadTest
JBMESSAGING-830 Random LoadBalanceFactory for Clustered Connection Factories
JBMESSAGING-849 Port the "mdb failure" smoke test from the 1.0 branch on the trunk
JBMESSAGING-171 Remoting timeouts
JBMESSAGING-247 Race condition - out of order delivery
JBMESSAGING-286 I am able to create two different durable subscriptions with same name using the same client ID on the same topic
JBMESSAGING-302 Invoking Topic management interface's listMessagesDurableSub()/ listMessagesNonDurableSub() with empty params throws exception
JBMESSAGING-331 Message id generator and resource manager Memory leak
JBMESSAGING-371 MessageListener times out on inactivity, after receiving at least one message
JBMESSAGING-417 JMS Client does not exit
JBMESSAGING-424 Cannot access the first message when starting the JMS subscriber
JBMESSAGING-435 PointToPoint delivery with multiple consumers and selectors is broken
JBMESSAGING-499 get-test-execution-classpath assumes windows
JBMESSAGING-505 RoundRobinPointToPointRouter occasionally throws ArithmeticException: / by zero
JBMESSAGING-525 postgresql-persistence-service.xml contains invalid SQL syntax
JBMESSAGING-526 JMSRedelivered flag not correctly set on true in certain redelivery scenarios
JBMESSAGING-536 The CallbackServer cannot be contacted for some particular network interface configurations
JBMESSAGING-552 MessageConsumerTest.testRedeliveryToCompetingConsumerOnSubscription() fails on race condition
JBMESSAGING-565 Race Condition between Topic/Queue.getMessageCount and Deliver Thread
JBMESSAGING-587 Fix perf/build.xml
JBMESSAGING-589 DefaultClusteredPostOfficeTest::testClusteredNameUniqueness is failing
JBMESSAGING-595 Rebind of clustered durable subscription fails
JBMESSAGING-596 BrowserTest should close its Connection in tearDown()
JBMESSAGING-606 Issue with cancel when paging
JBMESSAGING-613 DelegateSupport::trace shouldn't be serialized
JBMESSAGING-616 Race in creating new counters
JBMESSAGING-617 Stress tests do not run
JBMESSAGING-618 Failure in stress tests
JBMESSAGING-638 Potential memory leak when using 2pc via JCA adapter.
JBMESSAGING-644 Lease fails with a NPE if server is restarted and client still running
JBMESSAGING-660 Race Condition Between Session.close and Session.commit or Session.rollback
JBMESSAGING-664 The 4.0.5.GA jnlp installer smoke test fails
JBMESSAGING-665 4.0.5.GA ejb3 smoke test fails
JBMESSAGING-667 Clustered ConnectionFactory binding mechanism broken for a single-node cluster (and possibly for multi-node cluster)
JBMESSAGING-683 MSSQL configuration appears invalid
JBMESSAGING-685 session.commit on an empty transaction causes NPE
JBMESSAGING-686 Inconsistence between DelegateSupport and States
JBMESSAGING-687 Fix clone on HAAspect::performClientSideFailover
JBMESSAGING-693 Starting two node clusters simultaneously may end in failed messaging server node boot
JBMESSAGING-695 We need to be able to run our functional testsuite with other databses besides HSQLDB
JBMESSAGING-696 Closing a connection that failed over can close the Invoker
JBMESSAGING-698 HATest::testTopicSubscriber fails
JBMESSAGING-700 Delivery count is not updated for transactional sessions on close
JBMESSAGING-702 Dead Lock condition on MessageCallbackHandler when failover is being executed
JBMESSAGING-705 ConnectionFactory service is registered under JMX "jboss.messaging.destination:" domain, it shoud be "jboss.messaging.connectionfactory:" or similar.
JBMESSAGING-716 Same message multiple times in DLQ/Expiry Queue
JBMESSAGING-721 Message redelivery doesn't work
JBMESSAGING-741 Message.getJMSDestination could be null on redeployment of a queue
JBMESSAGING-744 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.QueueTest fails if executed using Clustering configuration
JBMESSAGING-748 Messaging server can be locked up by broken or malicious clients
JBMESSAGING-749 Connection Timeouts that can lead to Serialization Exceptions
JBMESSAGING-757 JDBCPersistenceManager incorrectly detects if a replytoId was null when restoring a message from a ResultSet
JBMESSAGING-762 JBossRemoting throws java.lang.Exception in certain cases
JBMESSAGING-764 New failover update map code does not use MessagingMarshallable.
JBMESSAGING-765 Connection invoker ref counting is broken
JBMESSAGING-771 One way invocations do not return the connection to the pool
JBMESSAGING-773 oneway invocations are not correctly detected inside remoting ServerThread.processInvocation()
JBMESSAGING-774 Order is not preserved for messages pushed asynchronously by server to clients
JBMESSAGING-777 Revise creation of ObjectStream on Remoting/our Marshallers
JBMESSAGING-782 The number of times a callback client invoker retries a failed invocation should be at least 2
JBMESSAGING-783 Fix HAStressTest
JBMESSAGING-787 Invocations time out because remoting mismanages client invokers, sending bussines traffic over client invokers with small timeout
JBMESSAGING-788 ConcurrentCloseStressTest fails
JBMESSAGING-790 "DeadLock" If failover happens on a MessageConsumer::receive
JBMESSAGING-791 Duplicates clientIDs are not throwing InvalidClientIDException
JBMESSAGING-795 Bridge tests fail
JBMESSAGING-797 Deadlock in aop stack deployment
JBMESSAGING-798 postoffice.cluster RedistributionWithDefaultMessagePullPolicyTest.testConsumeAllPersistentRecoverable() fails
JBMESSAGING-799 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.DuplicateClientIDTest testDuplicate() and testPreconfiguredDuplicateClientID() fail
JBMESSAGING-800 Deadlock in aop stack deployment
JBMESSAGING-801 XAOldJBossTxMgrTest.testMultipleSessionsOneTxRollbackSend() error in remoting socket configuration
JBMESSAGING-802 FailoverTest.testBrowserFailoverSendMessagesPostFailure() fails
JBMESSAGING-803 QueueBrowser doesn't refresh the content of its Enumeration on the second getEnumeration() call
JBMESSAGING-805 Fix JMSProviderResourceRecovery
JBMESSAGING-807 security context switch after sending a message
JBMESSAGING-808 Failover can't happen if a failure happens on the middle of an ack invocation.
JBMESSAGING-809 Extra message created if server fails right after send is completed
JBMESSAGING-812 "Cannot find object in dispatcher..." intermittent failures
JBMESSAGING-816 Verify if pre-configured IDs are throwing an exception properly.
JBMESSAGING-818 HTTP transport sends zero length lists of polled callbacks
JBMESSAGING-820 ConnectionFactoryUpdate ClassCastException when using HTTP
JBMESSAGING-821 org.jboss.test.messaging.core.paging tests fail in-VM on Linux
JBMESSAGING-824 queue smoke test fails
JBMESSAGING-825 Transactions corrupted because sybase truncates trailing zeros
JBMESSAGING-826 Using Pre Configure clientIDs will invalidate the usage of a simple createConnection
JBMESSAGING-827 ACK fails during failover on transacted session
JBMESSAGING-831 Simple (non-clustered) smoke test fails with Remoting exceptions on client and server-side
JBMESSAGING-833 MDB smoke test fails (in both non-clustered and clustered configurations)
JBMESSAGING-834 Multiple clustering/failover test failures on dev03
JBMESSAGING-836 Deadlock on ServerConnectionEndpoint
JBMESSAGING-840 Shutting down the Messaging service on JBoss 4.0.1sp1 fails
JBMESSAGING-841 MDB smoke test fails in clustered configuration (caused by inability to create temporary queues in a clustered configuration)
JBMESSAGING-842 The current clustered ConnectionFactory is not apropriate for use with an MDB container.
JBMESSAGING-846 release-admin.xml installation script does not correctly configures BindingManager for newly created clustered configurations, in some situations
JBMESSAGING-847 Some installer-generated JBoss installations (4.0.3, 4.0.3SP1) do not contain a BindingManager declaration in their jboss-service.xml, so release-admin.xml doesn' t work properly
JBMESSAGING-851 Issue with remoting MAX_RETRIES
JBMESSAGING-852 Unacked message state is not cleaned up after failure in ack
JBMESSAGING-853 Smoke tests fail again after installing bisocket
JBMESSAGING-856 BisocketServerInvoker inadvertently logs "got listener: null" as INFO
JBMESSAGING-859 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.clustering.MultiThreadFailoverTest generates errors
JBMESSAGING-860 MDB Using ClientID would fail because of some ClassLoading Isolation
JBMESSAGING-862 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.clustering.FailoverTest.testFailureRightBeforeACK() fails
JBMESSAGING-863 Bisocket test fails with socket listen security violation on client-side
JBMESSAGING-870 ClusteredPostOffice will route to durable subscription if node is not active
JBMESSAGING-887 Failover breaks after a couple of iterations of stopping/starting servers
JBMESSAGING-888 Fix DefaultRouter
JBMESSAGING-891 Failover during an invocation of AnyClientDelegate.close()
JBMESSAGING-895 release-admin.xml doesn't handle correctly ServiceBindingManager configuration for clustered installations
JBMESSAGING-896 FailoverTest::testMergeQueue2 and testMergeQueue fails
JBMESSAGING-898 Connection factory is not protected for failover
JBMESSAGING-899 Messages are temporarily lost if message arrives on a closed MessageCallbackHandler
JBMESSAGING-903 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.clustering.MergeQueueTest.testMergeQueue2() fails on Linux
JBMESSAGING-904 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.clustering.MultipleFailoverTest.testFailoverFloodTwoServers() fails on Linux
JBMESSAGING-43 Change the module name to "messaging"
JBMESSAGING-89 Repository reorganization
JBMESSAGING-139 Consider whether core can be refactored to remove concept of delivery
JBMESSAGING-140 Move responsibility for management of delivery list from receiver into channel
JBMESSAGING-175 Unnecessary junit.timeout2 used by tests/build.xml
JBMESSAGING-178 Run TCK continuously in top of JBoss Messaging
JBMESSAGING-192 Refactor Replicator so it won't be forced to provide noop implementation for Distributor's methods.
JBMESSAGING-197 Refactor Channel, Distributor etc so there is only one receiver per channel
JBMESSAGING-199 Fix or mothball remotetopic so it does not require multiple deliveries per message reference
JBMESSAGING-200 Complete XA transaction recovery
JBMESSAGING-207 HTTP invoker configuration and testing
JBMESSAGING-227 Complete extension of smoke test to deploy/test non-scoped Messaging with JBoss 5.0
JBMESSAGING-228 Re-enable DistributedTopicTest testDistributedTopic_2() and testDistributedTopic_4()
JBMESSAGING-229 Peristence Optimizations
JBMESSAGING-246 Optimise browsing
JBMESSAGING-248 Smart copying for message references
JBMESSAGING-250 Put performance testing framework in it's own subproject
JBMESSAGING-255 Change signature of core interfaces to deal with MessageReferences only
JBMESSAGING-257 Optimisation for deliveries immediately returned as done
JBMESSAGING-266 Remove Routable
JBMESSAGING-267 Re-enable distributed tests
JBMESSAGING-268 Convert destinations to ints in message instance
JBMESSAGING-269 Review ChannelMapper interface for possible functionality separation
JBMESSAGING-289 Make service container configurable wrt datasource and persistence manager config
JBMESSAGING-300 Deadlock detection
JBMESSAGING-307 Down cache optimisation
JBMESSAGING-310 Investigate whether rw lock on ServerConnectionEndpoint is necessary
JBMESSAGING-313 INVM persistent message optimisation
JBMESSAGING-319 Enable the Messaging build to use component-info.xml and versioned dependencies
JBMESSAGING-327 Improve concurrency for acknowledgement
JBMESSAGING-330 Consider using remoting raw invocations
JBMESSAGING-332 Consider how best to factor paging logic out of channel state
JBMESSAGING-355 Remove possibility of delivery race conditions
JBMESSAGING-398 Summarize clustering design discussions and forum threads in a Clustering Design document
JBMESSAGING-404 Remove Channel::deliver(Receiver r) method
JBMESSAGING-414 Simplify delivery hierarchy
JBMESSAGING-422 Move channel mapper logic into Queue, Topic, Subscription classes
JBMESSAGING-425 Naming of Pipe and Distributed Pipe
JBMESSAGING-437 Non durable subscription optimization
JBMESSAGING-444 Release 1.2.0.Alpha1
JBMESSAGING-445 Update user documentation with clustering-related details
JBMESSAGING-447 Release 1.2.0 GA after waiting for a week for feedback on the latest CR
JBMESSAGING-516 Clustering
JBMESSAGING-550 Add JBoss 4.0.5.CR1 (expanded and installer-generated) to the smoke test suite
JBMESSAGING-560 Support all JBossMQ equivalent JMX functionality
JBMESSAGING-562 Adjust the installation script to support a clustered installation
JBMESSAGING-563 Update the documentation with a Clustering Intro
JBMESSAGING-567 Bring persistence manager configs up to date
JBMESSAGING-568 Complete the configuration section in the Alpha clustering guide
JBMESSAGING-569 Update clustering design documentation wiki
JBMESSAGING-571 Get unicast to work with clustering
JBMESSAGING-573 Add clustering crash and recovery tests to suite
JBMESSAGING-575 Stabilise the default message pull policy
JBMESSAGING-577 Handle sequence numbers properly for state transfer...
JBMESSAGING-578 Allow messaging to use app server's multiplex JGroups channel
JBMESSAGING-579 Improve shared durable subscription tests
JBMESSAGING-580 Document configuration and schema changes from 1.0 and publish a detailed migration guide
JBMESSAGING-581 ServerManagement needs to be extended to start cluster node instances
JBMESSAGING-582 Modify and test release-admin.xml so it is capable of creating clustered configurations using a different database than mysql
JBMESSAGING-591 MessageConsumerTest::testTimeoutReceiveOnClose can randomly fail
JBMESSAGING-593 Analyse current JGroups stack usage
JBMESSAGING-594 Consider having just one post office instance
JBMESSAGING-597 Tracker task for JBSHOTOKU-101 (blogs dont show up in our Labs project blog area)
JBMESSAGING-601 Place Messaging artifacts in the repository
JBMESSAGING-610 Merge 1.0.1.GA changes (Branch_1_0) into the trunk
JBMESSAGING-614 Remove shutdown logger
JBMESSAGING-615 Add sufficient tracing for a customer environment
JBMESSAGING-621 Modify the smoke test suite to run tests in top of JBoss 4.0.5.GA instead of 4.0.5.CR1
JBMESSAGING-628 Investigate message priority in presence of prefetching
JBMESSAGING-631 Update the build script to produce an unscoped SAR
JBMESSAGING-632 Migreate the deployment descriptors and the AS-related artifacts to the AS repository
JBMESSAGING-649 Move ClusterRequest and its subclasses to its own package
JBMESSAGING-657 Sort out flow control
JBMESSAGING-673 Extend test suite framework to restart remote servers
JBMESSAGING-684 Validate curisecontrol test results after the test environment is configured to use MySQL
JBMESSAGING-689 Add distributed topic smoke test
JBMESSAGING-690 Add distributed queue smoke test
JBMESSAGING-691 Add failover smoke test
JBMESSAGING-692 Modify all smoke tests to run in non-clustered AND clustered version.
JBMESSAGING-699 Ensure remoting implements true asynchronous callbacks
JBMESSAGING-701 Optimisation - Allow onMessage to be executed on the remoting thread
JBMESSAGING-706 Failover mop-up
JBMESSAGING-723 Move Multiplexor to ServiceContainer on the Testsuite
JBMESSAGING-727 ServerPeer.destroyQueue/destroTopic just undeploys, does not destroy
JBMESSAGING-731 Get a new tagged remoting release from the remoting team
JBMESSAGING-734 Create failover tests for failover of XASesions
JBMESSAGING-735 Consider disabling pinging while failover is happening
JBMESSAGING-738 Make sure all functional and stress tests pass
JBMESSAGING-739 Make sure db schema is correct
JBMESSAGING-740 Make sure wireformat is just right
JBMESSAGING-743 Run the whole functional test suite and the stress tests in both clustered and non-clustered configurations
JBMESSAGING-746 Ensure MDB integration tests exist
JBMESSAGING-755 Bring mdb-failure's README.html up to date
JBMESSAGING-756 Enable mdb-failure smoke test so it will run with the smoke test suite
JBMESSAGING-758 Add a client and server shutdown test
JBMESSAGING-759 Add new "cluster view update on client" test
JBMESSAGING-769 Make ConnectionFactoryUpdateMessage encapsulated in a MarshalledMessage object
JBMESSAGING-770 Add tests for ConnectionFactory loadBalanceFactory MBean attribute
JBMESSAGING-776 Specify one way thread pool on the server side too
JBMESSAGING-778 Clear testcases
JBMESSAGING-785 Create long running invocation test
JBMESSAGING-792 Modify testing framework to use with priority JGroups stack configurations we ship with the release
JBMESSAGING-813 Test failover (and clustering in general) on a QA lab network with several physical machines involved
JBMESSAGING-822 Outstanding remoting issues JBREM-690, JBREM-693
JBMESSAGING-854 Integration with JBoss AS 5.0
JBMESSAGING-865 Modify log4j configuration to mask Remoting's "BisocketServerInvoker got listener: null"
JBMESSAGING-866 Revert log4j configuration that masks Remoting's "BisocketServerInvoker got listener: null"
JBMESSAGING-867 Validate Sybase Installation script
JBMESSAGING-881 Mention in the release notes and documentation that at least ant 1.6.3 is required
JBMESSAGING-882 Change mssql-ds.xml to use the sourceforge driver
JBMESSAGING-900 Decide on ClusteredConnectionFactoryTest.testGetAOPBounce()
JBMESSAGING-902 Abort the installation script if there are no permissions to create temporary files
JBMESSAGING-906 Decide on how to ship DistributeQueueExample (and smoke test): disable/null policy/default policy
JBMESSAGING-150 TCK sould test Messaging, and not JBossMQ, by default
JBMESSAGING-235 Make use of the datasource mappings
JBMESSAGING-240 Review reference counting in the database
JBMESSAGING-385 Generalize jboss testsuite JMS tests to work with both Messaging and JBossMQ (where possible) and make sure they pass
JBMESSAGING-386 Isolate JBossMQ-specific tests and make sure they pass
JBMESSAGING-456 Migrate jboss-head/jms subdirectory content to standalone SVN repository
JBMESSAGING-457 Modify the build system to use jbossbuild
JBMESSAGING-458 Update JBossMessagingBuildInstructions wiki page
JBMESSAGING-460 Get rid of derelict SVN branches and tags
JBMESSAGING-461 Post on the development forum an announcement that the SVN is complete
JBMESSAGING-462 Verify the validity of the artifacts generated by the new build
JBMESSAGING-463 Completely get rid of commented out jboss.aspects.lib references from build-messaging.xml
JBMESSAGING-464 log4j output format differs from the CVS version
JBMESSAGING-465 Failed to initalize plugin org.jboss.logging.Log4jLoggerPlugin@513cf0
JBMESSAGING-466 Take a final decision on whether to use &tools or keep only parts of jbossbuild under "tools"
JBMESSAGING-468 Re-activate the perf framework under the new build system
JBMESSAGING-469 Clarify how build-thirdparty.xml's <build> task attributes should be used.
JBMESSAGING-470 Modify start-rmi-server and stop-rmi-server to use "test.execution.classpath" generated by tests/build.xml
JBMESSAGING-471 Set up a process to update messaging artifacts in repository
JBMESSAGING-473 Remote test reports overwrite local test reports
JBMESSAGING-474 lib/jboss-serialization.jar doesn't override thirdparty/jboss/serialization
JBMESSAGING-475 Old build-related tasks
JBMESSAGING-482 stress tests don't work
JBMESSAGING-483 ManifestTest fails
JBMESSAGING-517 Implement intelligent balancer
JBMESSAGING-518 Implement distributed destinations
JBMESSAGING-519 Transparent failover / HA
JBMESSAGING-554 Create an Admin abstraction that would allow running generic JMS tests regardless of provider implementation
JBMESSAGING-555 Separate generic JMS tests
JBMESSAGING-556 Isolate JBossMQ-specific test
JBMESSAGING-627 Create an ant configuration file fragment that would build a Messaging configuration for the AS testing, adding things like securiy roles, etc.
JBMESSAGING-666 Basic DLQ functionality
JBMESSAGING-668 Basic client-side failover logic
JBMESSAGING-669 Client side valve
JBMESSAGING-670 Redirection of connection if server is not failover server
JBMESSAGING-671 Recreate delivery list on the server when failure occurs
JBMESSAGING-672 Server side valve
JBMESSAGING-674 Propagate changes in server list back to client when server side view change occurs
JBMESSAGING-675 Make client side load balancing policy pluggable
JBMESSAGING-678 Merge to trunk
JBMESSAGING-707 Add session-level failover tests
JBMESSAGING-708 Move SessionState.handleFailoverOnConsumer() consumer failover logic to ClientConsumerDelegate/ConsumerState
JBMESSAGING-709 Move SessionState.handleFailoverOnProducer() producer failover logic to ClientProducerDelegate/ProducerState
JBMESSAGING-710 Move SessionState.handleFailoverOnBrowser() browser failover logic to ClientBrowserDelegate/BrowserState
JBMESSAGING-711 Test to failover a connection that was created using a username and a password
JBMESSAGING-712 FailoverTest.testFailoverMessageOnServer2() deadlocks
JBMESSAGING-713 Document better the cases in which failedNodeID of ConnectionFactoryEndpoint.createConnectionDelegate(username, password, failedNodeID) is disregarded
JBMESSAGING-714 Make sure all dependent instances of the failed connection (ConnectionFailureListener included) are propery garbage collected after failover
JBMESSAGING-715 FailoverTest.testFailoverMessageOnServer() fails with "Cannot find delivery to acknowledge" after failover
JBMESSAGING-719 Capturing I/O Exceptions from invocation on Valve
JBMESSAGING-720 Clustered ConnectionFactory bound twice on a failover event (and the first time is an inconsistent state)
JBMESSAGING-722 Bindings containing the new FailedOverQueue need to be properly saved in the database (new field needed: failedNodeID)
JBMESSAGING-729 Multiple successive failover tests grind to a halt because of Remoting ConnectionValidator bug(s)
JBMESSAGING-730 Failover valve fails to close in FailoverTest.testConsumerFailoverWithConnectionStopped()
JBMESSAGING-733 Add test for failure occuring in the middle of high volume traffic (tens of threads)
JBMESSAGING-766 Massive functional testsuite failure (108 failures, 99 errors) related to the latest remoting changes
JBMESSAGING-767 HTTP tests lock testsuite run
JBMESSAGING-775 org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.selector.SelectorTest.testManyQueueWithExpired() locks up
JBMESSAGING-779 Fix crash test CallbackFailureTest.testCallbackFailure()
JBMESSAGING-780 Fix thirdparty.remoting HTTP tests
JBMESSAGING-781 Fix Clustering Tests
JBMESSAGING-786 HTTP remoting client throws different exception on failure
JBMESSAGING-796 Execute and validate the integration testsuite
JBMESSAGING-893 Some request is not completing, causing MultiThreadFailoverTest.testMultiThreadFailoverSeveralThreadsTransacted() to loop forever
Support Patch
JBMESSAGING-742 Update of JBossRemoting to Alpha4 and JBMESSAGING-741
JBMESSAGING-625 ClassCastException String to ManagedDestination
Referenced by: