Version 7

    The JBoss Messaging JMS Facade


    The JMS Facade exposes a JMS1.1 implementation at the front end to the client.

    This layer will take care of simple JMS requirements, translating other requests into the more generic messaging api.


    At this layer there will be implementations of:


    NOTE: Some of the JMS behaviour is achieved by correct configuration of interceptors in the Messaging API and channels on the Server.


    Messaging API


    The messaging API uses an container/interceptor pattern. This gives two advantages:


    • The behaviour can be changed/augmented by reconfiguring the interceptor stack.

    • The interceptor stack extends from the facade from the client through the remoting implementation to the server. Allowing the behaviour to be moved from the client to server as required. e.g. Thin or Thick clients.


    The Unified Interceptors project will define the generic interceptor. Exact details will have to wait on that project.

    But the behaviour of each interceptor can be defined here.


    There is also an alternate implementation based on an event driven model.

    The idea being that rather than the request passing through an interceptor stack, it passes through a sequence of

    event processors. This has the advantage that the request can give up its thread to the request processor,

    allowing more efficient use of resources. This would allow both the client and server to make more effective usage

    of Non Blocking IO.




    NOTE: Where the interceptor is responsible for multiple behaviours, it makes sense to split it into different interceptors.


    The Core


    The JMS facade wraps around the JBoss Messaging Core. The Core was designed based on a generic message idiom, and different facades can be added to it. The JBoss Messaging Core uses the concept of Channel and channel chains to implement the common messaging domains (Point to Point and Publis/Subscribe). Additionally, users can implement their own channels to program the server. The distributed nature of the server (and hence, the serverless behaviour) is built into the core. An extensive description of the core design can be found at JBossMessagingCore.







    These services are used by the interceptors to perform the real work.



    NOTE: In practice one object will implement multiple interfaces, e.g. persistence, cache and transactions..





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