The following is a brief overview of the JBoss Microkernel source tree.
It can be found in the system subdirectory when you check out JBoss.
build.bat - for building on Windows - for building on Unix
build.xml - the ant build script
src - the source code
bin - operation system scripts for booting the microkernel
etc - manifests
resources - real configuration and bootstrap log4j configuration files
dtd - dtds for configuration files
org/jboss - a template file
main - the main source code
org.jboss - the Main bootstrap class and a helper for reading
org.jboss.deployment - deployment infrastructure including the main, jar and service deployers
org.jboss.deployment.cache - service for caching remote deployments
org.jboss.deployment.scanner - service for monitoring deployments and automatically redeploying when they change
org.jboss.system - service infrastructure including the service configurator and controller
org.jboss.system.server - interfaces and default implementation of the microkernel