Version 16

    Using JBoss Native to run JBoss AS as a Windows Service


    JBoss AS comes with Windows service executable as part of JBossNative

    that can run JBoss Application Server as service.

    The service executable jbosssvc.exe transforms the run.bat and

    shutdown.bat batch scripts to services. This means that any change

    made to those scripts will be used both in service and command

    line mode.



    There are other options for running JBoss as a service in windows.



    JBoss Native is available from the JBoss download area.



    To install the JBoss Application Server as Windows service use

    the provided service.bat batch file.

    C:\> cd c:\jboss-4.2.0\bin
    C:\> service.bat install



    To start the JBoss Application Server as Windows service use Control pannel

    or net start command. When running in service mode the console output is

    redirected to the file run.log. You can inspect the file for any errors

    during service startup.


    C:\> net start JBAS4SVC
      The JBoss Application Server 4.2 service is starting.
      The JBoss Application Server 4.2 service was started successfully.



    To stop the JBoss Application Server as Windows service use Control pannel

    or net stop command. When running in service mode the console output

    is redirected to the file shutdown.log. You can inspect the file for

    any errors during service shutdown.


    C:\> net stop JBAS4SVC
      The JBoss Application Server 4.2 service was stopped successfully.



    To restart the JBoss Application Server as Windows service use Control pannel.





    You'll need to reboot windows for the service to disappear from the Services snap-in



    To remove the JBoss Application Server as Windows service use the provided

    service.bat batch file.


    C:\> cd c:\jboss-4.2.0\bin
    C:\> service.bat uninstall



    Service customization is done by editing the service.bat script.

    Each command has a separate section that you can customize. The most

    common customization task would be changing service names if more then

    one service instances per box are required.




    See JBossSVC.exe for options.

    jbosssvc -- program for running batch files as services.
    Usage: jbosssvc -i        service service.bat
                    -i[wdcl]  service workingpath description comment
                    -u        service
                    -t        service
       -d   Service display name
       -c   Service description
       -w   Service working path
       -l   Turn info logging On


    Available Builds





    Notes{FOOTNOTE DEF 1 1}


    Thread dumps


    Running as a service makes it more difficult to generate a thread dump. Here are some workarounds for the problem


    Mysterious shutdowns


    Some users have reported JBoss experiencing clean shutdowns while running as a service.  It turns out that the Sun JVM monitors for SIGHUP and interprets it as a signal to shut down, so this can occur anytime the console user logs out of the system.  To prevent this from happening, you should add this flag to your JVM parameters:


    -Xrs Reduces use of operating-system signals by the Java virtual machine (JVM). This option is available beginning with J2SE 1.3.1. In J2SE 1.3.0, the Shutdown Hooks facility was added to allow orderly shutdown of a Java application. The intent was to allow user cleanup code (such as closing database connections) to run at shutdown, even if the JVM terminates abruptly.


    Sun's JVM catches signals to implement shutdown hooks for abnormal JVM termination. The JVM uses SIGHUP, SIGINT, and SIGTERM to initiate the running of shutdown hooks.


    The JVM uses a similar mechanism to implement the pre-1.2 feature of dumping thread stacks for debugging purposes. Sun's JVM uses SIGQUIT to perform thread dumps.


    Applications embedding the JVM frequently need to trap signals like SIGINT or SIGTERM, which can lead to interference with the JVM's own signal handlers. To address this issue, the -Xrs command-line option has been added beginning in J2SE 1.3.1. When -Xrs is used on Sun's JVM, the signal masks for SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP, and SIGQUIT are not changed by the JVM, and signal handlers for these signals are not installed.


    Don't rename service.bat

    The batch file service.bat must not be renamed, otherwise you'll get a message after starting the service that the service was stopped after starting.


    Notes{FOOTNOTE DEF 2 2}

    Using Sun's JVM - if you have a PATH environment variable that ends with a "\" then the service will not start. In the following example, the command produced in run.bat fails because QuickTime appended a path of "...\QTSystem\" at the end of the path. The solution is to delete the trailing "\" from the PATH in Windows System settings.

    "C:\Java\bin\java"  -Djava.library.path="C:\Java\jboss\bin\native;D:\Misys\Insight\Bin;C:\Java\bin;C:\Java\Jboss\bin;c:\java\ant\bin;C:\Perl\bin\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;c:\java\tomcat55\bin;C:\Java\xmlbeans\bin;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\" -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xrs -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Java\jboss\lib\endorsed" -classpath "C:\Java\lib\tools.jar;C:\Java\jboss\bin\run.jar" org.jboss.Main


    Notes{FOOTNOTE DEF 3 3}

    Please re-start PC at least once for %JAVA_HOME% to take effect, if you install directly from JDK to JBoss, to let JBoss as native windows service can be installed properly.Please refer here Please follow-up the bugZilla here




    {FOOTNOTE RED #1 1} RunJBossAsAServiceOnWindows





    Referenced by: