JBoss makes a distinction between the terms Product and Project to differentiate professional company offerings for end customers from ongoing research and development(R&D) within the company and with the open source developer community.
What is a JBoss Project?
A JBoss Project is an ongoing development activity including design, coding, issue tracking, task scheduling, community collaboration, and continuous testing. Projects have versions, which represent a scheduled and coordinated integration milestone. Project version releases are incremental steps towards a complete package that meets all JBossProductizationArtifacts. Final version releases are candidates for product releases.
What is a JBoss Product?
A JBoss Product is a professional offering based on a JBoss Project. It includes distinct web presence at http://www.jboss.com, downloads of stable project releases, professional support, training and service offerings. The JBoss Enterprise Middleware System is a portfolio of JBoss Products based on a subset of all active JBoss Projects.
How does a Project become a Product?
A JBoss project can be considered for productization if it satisfies all JBossProductizationArtifacts. JBoss, Inc. is working on a formal process to be published soon, which will allow middleware open source projects to follow a graduation path to JEMS.
Where to get upcoming Project features
The list of features for a given project version can be automatically obtained from JIRA by listing all Feature Requests with Blocker and Critical priority that are assigned(Fix for Version) to a given Final project version.
Web site presence
JBoss Product offerings are hosted at the JBoss, Inc. main site - www.jboss.com. JBoss is in the process of building a separate hosting environment for all JBoss projects. The following diagram illustrates the distinguishing elements between a product's home page and its corresponding project home page.
NOTE: labs.jboss.com is a working name. The actual project hosting environment may be launched under a different domain.