Which version of JBossTS to use?
JBossTS consists of three components: JBossTS JTA for local-only transactions{FOOTNOTE DEF 1 1}, JBossTS JTS for distributed transactions over CORBA, and XTS for Web Services transactions using WS-AT and WS-BA.
Here is how to choose which release version to use:
- If you are running with JBoss EAP or other supported platform, use only the version shipped with the EAP or as recommended by JBoss support.
- If you are running with JBossAS 4.2, use the bundled JTA or JBossTS 4.2.3.SP7.
- If you are running with JBossAS 5.1, use the bundled JTA/JTS or latest JBossTS 4.6.x release.
- If your are running with JBossAS 6, use the bundled JBossTS 4.14.0.Final
- If you are running wiht JBossAS 7 versions, use only the bundled JBossTS - it's not upgradeable without AS source changes.
- If you are running standalone, use the highest numbered stable release. Beta is unstable. GA, Final and SP releases are stable. CP (cumulative patch) release are also stable, but not available as community binaries - you need to build them from svn source.
- Standalone usage caveat: Only certain releases have a maintenance branch. Users seeking long term stability for production environments should use the latest release with a maintenance branch, even if more recent releases exist. Bugs in releases without a maintence branch will be fixed only in the next feature release and compatibility is not guaranteed. As of 2011-12 the maintained releases are 4.6.1.CPx and 4.16.x
- Do not mix and match components from different releases e.g. JTA and XTS, in the same JVM. Changes in certain classes that are shared between components can lead to unpredictable behavior in some classloader hierarchies.
More detailed notes on key versions:
JBossTS 4.2.3.SPx provides JTA 1.0.1b, JTS on JacORB 2.2 and WS-T 1.0. Binary releases are compiled for Java 1.4.
The JTA bundle contains the JTA only. The full bundle contains the JTA (as source only), JTS and XTS components.
The JTA can be used standalone or with JBossAS 4.0.x. It's also the default transaction manager installed with JBossAS 4.2.x, EAP 4.2.x and EAP 4.3.x Note that EAP customers should upgrade JBossTS only through official upgrades from the support portal, not using downloads from the JBossTS web page.
The JTS can be used standalone on the provided JacORB or with JBossAS 4.0.x. It's not suitable for use with JBossAS 4.2.x or the EAP due to changes in the version of JacORB they use. JTS is not a supported part of EAP 4.x.
The XTS component can be used on JBossAS 4.2.x, EAP 4.2.x and EAP 4.3.x, but is not a supported part of the EAP 4.x releases. The XTS implementation utilises the JTS but does not require it to be deployed separately when running in JBossAS.
The JTA is LGPL whilst the JTS and XTS and GPL/Dual.
JBossTS 4.6.x provides JTA 1.1, JTS on JacORB 2.3.0, WS-T 1.0 and WS-T 1.1. Binary releases are compiled for Java 5.
The JTA bundle contains the JTA only. The full bundle contains the JTA (as source only), JTS and XTS components.
The JTA can be used standalone or with JBossAS 5.1.0.GA, for which it is the default transaction manager. It's not suitable for earlier JBossAS versions, including 5.0.x
The JTS can be used standalone on the bundled JacORB 2.3.0-patch6, or with JBossAS 5.1.0.GA. It's not suitable for earlier JBossAS versions.
JTS binaries, configuration and installation instructions are now included in the JBossAS release (docs/examples/jts). A separate download is no longer required unless you need the source code.
The XTS component can be used on JBossAS 5.1.0.GA. The XTS implementation utilises the JTA (or JTS if you install it) that is already present in the app server. If upgrading XTS to a later release, it may be necessary to also upgrade the JTA (or JTS) to maintain compatibility.
In XTS, the WS-T 1.0 implementation uses its own embedded SOAP stack, whilst the WS-T 1.1 implementation uses JBossWS native from the application server. Neither will run on JBossWS-CXF or JBossWS-Metro. The 1.0 and 1.1 implementations can be deployed in the same server, but the protocol versions are not interoperable. Transactional web services may use any SOAP stack, independent of that used by XTS.
The JTA, JTS and XTS are all LGPL licensed.
- This release is tested on Java 5. With the exception of the transactional JDBC driver it should compile on Java 6.
JBossTS 4.14.0 provides JTA 1.1, JTS on JacORB 2.3.1, WS-T 1.0 (deprecated) and WS-T 1.2. Binary releases are compiled for Java 6.
The JTA bundle contains the JTA only. The full bundle contains the JTA (as source only), JTS and XTS components.
The JTA can be used standalone or with JBossAS 6. It's not tested with or intended for use in earlier JBossAS versions, including 5.x.x
The JTS can be used standalone on the bundled JacORB 2.3.1-patch1, or with JBossAS 6. It's not tested with or intended for use in earlier JBossAS versions.
The XTS component can be used on JBossAS 6. The XTS implementation utilises the JTA (or JTS if you install it) that is already present in the app server. If upgrading XTS to a later release, it may be necessary to also upgrade the JTA (or JTS) to maintain compatibility.
JTS and XTS binaries, configuration and installation instructions are now included in the JBossAS release (docs/examples/transactions). A separate download is no longer required unless you need the source code.
In XTS, the WS-T 1.0 implementation (deprecated) uses its own embedded SOAP stack, whilst the WS-T 1.2 implementation uses JBossWS native from the application server. XTS 1.2 should run on JBossWS-CXF but is untested in that environment. Neither will run on JBossWS-Metro. The 1.0 and 1.2 implementations can be deployed in the same server, but the protocol versions are not interoperable. Transactional web services may use any SOAP stack, independent of that used by XTS.
The JTA, JTS and XTS are all LGPL licensed.
- This release is built and tested on Java 6. It won't work on earlier versions.
JBossTS 4.16.0
- As 4.16, but built for JBossAS 7.1 beta rather than JBossAS 6.
{FOOTNOTE DEF 1 1} Note: local-only means that the transaction allows resource enlistment at only one JVM and does not generally perform transaction context propagation on remote business method calls. When used with JBossAS 4.x a separate client JVM may still manage transaction boundaries (begin/commit/rollback) for the JTA. Databases and message queues running as separate processes may still be enlisted as XAResources provided they have drivers that support this. Therefore JTA is adequate for most usage. The JTS is required only where a transaction needs to span multiple server JVMs, such as in an application server cluster using transactional EJBs.