Version 11

    The JBoss World Of MBeans


    This page is for YOU, the developers that routinely extend JBoss with your

    own MBean services to do all sort of interesting stuff. So if:


    • You have designed a general purpose MBean service that has worked well

      for you and you want to share with the community, under the LGPL license.

    • Your MBean service integrates well with the JBoss lifecycle model,

      is well tested and reasonably documented.

    • Your MBean service keeps to a minimum dependencies from external libraries

      and links only with LGPL-friendly code.


    Then add a new wiki page describing your MBean service with an example of

    using it, include or attach or link to your source code, and link to it

    from this page. Discuss about your service in the JBoss User, Management, JMX/JBoss Forum

    and get recognition from the opensource community.


    I will be reviewing your code and I will incorporate the best and most generally

    useful services in the varia module of the of the jboss source tree, under the package. Try to keep it short and sweet.


    Have Fun with MBeans!




    Links to Your Cool MBean Services



    Referenced by: