A MethodCall is a JGroups representation of a remote method. A method can be represented internally in several ways, either by the case sensitive method name and list of arguments, or by the java.lang.reflect.Method itself.
The mode tells how MethodCall decides whether the class to be invoked on has the represented method or not.
{font:courier newOLD} MethodCall instance get a list of methods from the target class and matches the method name and arguments with those in the list.
{font:courier newMETHOD} The MethodCall instance explicitely ships the lang.reflect.Method instance, no search is performed, the method is just invoked on the target instance.
{font:courier newTYPES} MethodCall uses Class.getDeclaredMethod() to identify the target method.
{font:courier newSIGNATURE} Provides a signature, similar to JMX.